Traitors All

I just finished watching “For the Record” that aired on Wednesday, April 30th, 2014 detailing our government’s support of al Qaeda to overthrow Muammar al-Gaddafi in Libya. The pResident colluded with members of both parties to overthrow the Gaddafi’s plan to issue a gold backed currency that would be used throughout all of Africa. When Gaddafi presented proof that al Qaeda was behind the protests in Libya, the pResident covered it up, armed al Qaeda and restructured the military to be under the control of NATO instead of Gen. Ham. We now know the consequences of Benghazi on September 11, 2014, the US presidential election and the war in Syria.

Now the US and NATO are supporting neo-Nazis in Ukraine in a proxy war against Russia. As World War III is about to unfold, do we want to send our sons and daughters into another war to support evil? And let’s call it what it is: this administration is evil and is supporting evil. With the aid of Congressional leaders from both parties. And our military commanders. God help us from these traitors.

David DeGerolamo

What’s REALLY Going On In Odessa, Ukraine

Ukrainian War Crimes Whitewashed by Western Press

After more than 30 people died in a fire in the Ukrainian seaside resort town of Odessa, most of the Western press pretended that no one knows what happened or whose fault it was. For example, see these stories from the  Guardian and BBC.

But USA Today reports:

Witnesses and journalists reported that as the building burned with people inside, a crowd shouted, “Glory to Ukraine!” and “Death to enemies!” [These are neo-Nazi slogans.]


[T]he Associated Press reported that the Russian sympathizers took refuge in the trade union hall on Kulikovo Field Square after government supporters rousted their encampment outside and then burned their tents. Police said the building was set on fire with Molotov cocktails.

At 5 seconds into this 15-second video, you can see a Molotov cocktail being thrown at the building in which the Russian sympathizers:



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Amrie Pat
Amrie Pat
10 years ago

We are in more trouble then the sheep want to realize. By the pricking of my thumb something wicked this way comes….. Keep your powder dry and watch your six.

10 years ago

Out of control is a mild statement.