Transfer And Focus Your Anger Where It Deserves To Be!

Here’s an Idea! Let’s keep fighting amongst ourselves about anything except the Evil we are faced with.

I am sick and tired of the comment section turning into a dumpster fire over who has the better religion. I am sick and tired of the comment section being used to prove who is the most intelligent person in the room.

I am tired of debating religion. Here’s a thought, how about we debate religion after we vanquish the evil we are faced with?

We are all on the same team here. I would venture to guess most people that visit this site agree on about 98% of things, yet all we do is bicker back and forth about stuff that honestly is not going to help us in this fight against evil. If we dedicated as much energy fighting evil as we do fighting against ourselves, we might get somewhere.

It seems people just want to fight each other over anything. It is much easier to transfer anger to something other than what needs to be addressed. I can write an article, not mention anything at all about religion and the comment section will erupt into a religious debate. It is frustrating. It seems we’d rather debate anything other than how to vanquish this evil we are faced with.

Most of our society is more concerned about professional Sportsball than anything else. It is sad how quickly people returned to watching the NFL after so many swore it off during the Obama era due to all their kneeling and BLM garbage. Seems people just want an escape from the real-world problems we are faced with. Bread and Circuses, instead of swinging politicians from lamppost.

Apathy will not defeat Evil. Voting will not defeat Evil. We have but one choice left to us and that is to Fight! But it seems the only fighting we are willing to do is against ourselves.

We outnumber these evil bastards who have stolen our country from us. If we would stand together, we could easily defeat them. But we’d rather debate whose God is the real God. We’d rather debate the proper spelling of God’s name than even consider fighting back against evil. We’d rather try and look smart by quoting every verse in the bible to prove a point than actually sit down and consider how we combat this Evil.

Fear is controlling our lives. It is a fear of the unknown that keep us from getting serious about how to fight this evil. We are too worried about what comes after. Will our lives be as comfortable should we win? How comfortable do you think they’ll be should we continue to do nothing? We have to quit being a slave to fear. Fear of losing our jobs, income, comfort, friends, home, personal freedom and yes, maybe even life itself. We have to quit holding these things more dear than Liberty itself. None of these things matter if we don’t have Freedom.

Look, I know I’m not the smartest person in the room. I freely and openly admit that. Most of you that visit here are way more knowledgeable on every subject I write about than I. But I have tried to fight this evil. I have been in the belly of the beast. I have done everything that people say should be done to reign in this tyrannical government. I am here to tell you we have only one option left. You know it. You’re just afraid to admit it. The average “reasonable” person goes far out of their way on every occasion to avoid violence. But this evil will not be vanquished without violence. You can’t vote at evil! All revolutions begin in the minds and hearts of so-called “outsiders” and you don’t get much more outsider than me. I don’t care if you agree with me or not on the usefulness of violence against evil, because it is coming regardless what you believe. Make no mistake, one day each and every one of us will be faced with a choice, either to fight, or to throw our hands in the air, surrender, and pray they don’t shoot us anyway.

But let’s ignore what I’ve said and debate Religion in the comment section.

Meanwhile Evil is laughing at us.


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1 year ago

No argument and no fight with my fellow patriots. I’m wracking my brain for ways that I can fight. And I will fight against the Evil ones.

Joanna Martin
1 year ago
Reply to  Janice

This will help: “Live Not By Lies” by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn 1974

1 year ago

Very, very well said and accurate!
It wears me out too, the sky is apparently falling, our freedoms are being taken, and many are arguing chapter, verse and meaning!
I left a local Christian group for the same reason!

The Grim Sleeper
The Grim Sleeper
1 year ago

Good perspective! Thank you for all you do to remind us of our dire situation. It’s uncomfortable, but needed.

Mike in Canada
Mike in Canada
1 year ago

Well said. I am powerless to describe this current tendency to focus on sports ball at a time when we are apparently shooting down UFOs.
What the hell is going on here? Has everyone gone insane at the same time? Bickering over minutiae? Titanic deck chair arrangements?
Fine. Do that. I will face the darkness alone if I have to.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mike in Canada

Its all distraction and control. Carol Rosin worked with Von Braun and told her the stages the Globalist would use and target…last of these was the Alien agenda:

1 year ago

Well said Wes, the divide and conquer strategy has been used brilliantly. Team freedom eats it up.


1 year ago

Totally agree. I am certain the Founders were not in perfect theological alignment. But they managed to forge a credible revolution together.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Concentration of Force, Defeat in Detail -- Michael Yon Here is someone in the trenches with you Wes. The globohomo regime is committing violence every day against us. Violence is our only option, given to us in the 2nd amendment, what will be our answer? For now it seems bread and circuses will suffice, I for one cannot live side by side with those who have stolen everything worth while in the fallen Republic. There has to be a reckoning and soon. We are behind enemy lines literally, HTFU.

1 year ago

I used to have a dog that absolutely hated possums. Every time one came in the yard and he was tied up, he would set their and growl all night. Around 1975 I was 5 years old. I watched 2 “Greys” walk through our house. These things have mental power over unsaved people. To the point of putting them to sleep. I have hated those things every time I see images of them whether movies or photos. Faked or real. They might not be “alien”, but they are real and they HATE us. If we skip this nuclear war and go straight to the fake alien invasion. What are you going to do when these things are walking around talking to people, making people think they are friendly. People should be growling when they see the air force sending fighters after balloons. They are getting ready for something. A satellite can see a mans eyebrows. Do you really think anybody is worried about a spy balloon. I would like to see Wes write an article about what we should do to these stinking dirty demons coming from the sky to your home town gatherings. I’m so tired of the barbershop arguments over bible verses. These greys/demons in suits, are going to tell you that they created the religions. Are you ready to hack them up like soft tomatoes as they set up shop at your city council. Or will you watch. They should make your hair stand up and ready for a fight. Demons have been in people, but what about when they are walking around in their own Grey suit. Do we pray about them or dissect them in the town square. So many will think this paragraph is a joke. You saw the mask brigade take over and take their shots. Imagine going to a hometown gathering. Their is 500 people standing there looking at the stage. You walk up to their side about 50 yards away. Remember they are facing the stage and you are to their side. All is quiet. In sequence, like a school of fish, every head and eye turns and looks straight at you in dead silence. You look up at the stage and their is a group of Greys/Demon. Is this really that far fetched to imagine. Did you notice when our president was vice president during a state of the union speech. His eyes had no whites.

1 year ago
Reply to  Machete

For the “down votes” imagine being 5 years old and communicating with “grays” and for the next 50 years having people react the same way. Down Voting. I was not the only one, read the short book ” Masquerade of Angels” Written and Co written by Dr. Karla Turner and Ted Rice. The Grays told Karla they would kill her if she did not stop exposing them. Karla was a university Professor in Texas . They killed her in 1996. In the book Ted Rice at age 10 awakens and ask his grandma what happened that night. She had to fend one off and was not even going to mention it to Ted. She said, “That was the Devil, Child” she told him. She died days later. Karla wrote more books on what was done to their families. Matter is energy, and so are people. They pull some people straight through the roof.

1 year ago

Thank you. We already have a common bond.

Craig H. Cosgray
Craig H. Cosgray
1 year ago

Good point. The enemy have revealed themselves. We know who they are and we know their agenda must not stand. And they rightfully fear us.

the real enemy
the real enemy
1 year ago

oh I know EXACTLY (((where))) to direct it.

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
1 year ago
Reply to  the real enemy

The grey matter Joos are watching every move coward.

the real enemy
the real enemy
1 year ago

… and here’s the predictable jew on the goy who knows ass. You guys seeing the pattern with this guy and his tribe ?? You should be.

you (((people))) are the real cowards almost always using proxies to do it for you. Only time you do anything directly are situations like Israel where you have little to no chance of real reprisal for your actions.

this is why you spend untold amounts of energy and money on making sure people remain in the dark that it’s ALL you.

don’t kid yourself. Those of us who do know are watching every move as well coward.

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
1 year ago
Reply to  the real enemy

Not true. You are a liar. Stop hiding use your real name. Thats why I call you a coward. And also because you refuse to call and have a simple conversation with me I put my cell phone number in this comment section often and also my name why wont you do the same tough guy?

the real enemy
the real enemy
1 year ago

I know every trick (((you))) people have and the ways you fight.

You have been at war with us forever. The best of the goy must be killed … it right there in your protcols.

Never forget


[…] to a Republic. As we saw over the weekend, people value their egos over fighting evil. Wes’s article today reflects my frustration as well. Does anyone think that arguing jots and tittles will win […]

Elder Son
Elder Son
1 year ago

We outnumber these evil bastards who have stolen our country from us. If we would stand together, we could easily defeat them. But we’d rather debate whose God is the real God. We’d rather debate the proper spelling of God’s name than even consider fighting back against evil. We’d rather try and look smart by quoting every verse in the bible to prove a point than actually sit down and consider how we combat this Evil.

Anyhow, if I may make a suggestion. In order to not write another and another and another post like this, don’t post anything that causes you to feel it necessary to write posts like this. In other words, don’t set yourself up to it. It’s becoming… redundant.

Problem solved.

Allahu Akbar.

1 year ago

For me, life has always been a struggle to find truth. I don’t know how to turn that off. (drugs can tone it down, but at a terrible cost) It frequently manifests as argument with those I think may have truth I do not. I fight with them over truth, and I fight for truth to win. If I’m right, as I usually assume, I fight to win, but the whole purpose of the fight is to *lose*, for in no other way can I learn greater truth. I strive to win, and hope to lose.

This is in deep contrast to actual combat, in which “reason and logic” may guide us, but they are not our weapons. In combat, our weapons are physical and kinetic. Our objective is not truth, but mere survival.

I don’t think I have ever conflated these two, but it can be hard to see oneself, and I see others do this constantly…. so who knows. It confuses me to see folks attempt to settle matters of truth through combat, though it might make sense if you think god guides the hands of the combatants…. again, who knows….

I don’t recall hating my “enemies” in combat, and have often cried *while* I attempted to kill them, lamenting my stupidity at finding no better response in time. We do the best we can in the moment with what little we have.

These are trying times…. and they haven’t really started yet. Take time to mourn when you can. Do not surrender to evil, and try not to get any on you.

Jack Lamberson
Jack Lamberson
1 year ago

AMEN Good talk. Now let’s hope people actually listen.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

That’s right what does God got to do with it!
i guess sarcasm does have its place.
Do you people listen to yourselves?

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
1 year ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Wes, religion is what people do instead of obedience to YHVH’S word. Especially Christians! The fight we need first is in the community of biblical followers we are too few. If the Christians rise up to fight God wont go with them right now. There’s too much evil doctrines and practices. So they will be slaughtered. Whats more our enemies know this.


[…] Seems most of our visitors here chose to ignore this article. […]

Joanna Martin
1 year ago

but it’s so much easier to bash our fellows for not having the “right” religion than it is to go out and fight the enemy! The most amazing thing I have learned about actually going out and fighting the enemy is the people on “our side” who tell me we should fight with butter knifes instead of sharp swords.

james grey
james grey
1 year ago

I watched two minutes of a video by the kiss my ass guy. His idea was that most people are in the center and if only we’d all move there, where we should be anyway, apparently because most people are in the center, then everything will be all right.

could be wrong about the message but I don’t think so. As I said I quit watching. Unfair to the guy but I couldn’t stomach what I heard in the first two minutes.

If that was the message I am completely floored that anyone could be that clueless at this point in America.
As an aside, I’ve tried. Letters to congress critters, letters to editors, recall campaigns, voting. Everything has gotten worse, bad things have accelerated in the last few years.