Without question, this is plain evidence of Treason – our pResident speaking directly to the Iranian people, voluntarily offering them promises to assist in the development of “peaceful nuclear power” for their terrorist state of Iran.
US Constitution, Art. 3, Sec. 3, reads, “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”
Thus has the pResident publicly attained himself before us, and the entire world.
The punishment is as obvious as the crime –
…repeat as necessary!
~Those who abuse Liberty, sentence themselves to Death!
LT: I agree with you 100% as probably everyone that just read your comments along with the many times we all have lost count on the many acts of “Treason” he and others around him have committed are fully aware of !
They (Congress) will not bring him to justice and all of them can no longer be trusted to help take back our country !
It will be up to each state and its citizens to recall the useful idiots we sent to congress and separate ourselves from the federal government if we expect to survive and use nullification and secession as the best tools to peacefully get the job done.
If that fails, we all know what option is left and I pray for all of us that we are not forced to have to make that decision. At the same time however, we must be prepared if we are not left any choice and we damn sure better know where our neighbors stand way before then !
I tried to listen, but I could not.
It is very hard for all of us to listen to, Tom ! Who would have ever imagined that a U.S. President would sell out his country, his fellow citizens he took a oath to protect & defend and threaten Israel and sell them out all in one speech ! OMG !
Did you really mean to say “our pResident”? How could a traitor be your pResident?
Well, he *is* our pResident, in so far as we are stuck dealing with him (for the moment).
I never credentialed him as eligible, duly elected, or legitimate, nor granted him the credence of making any effort to represent my interests or beliefs…
I have differentiated my country from “the government”. As such, he is not my President. Does anyone else feel that “the government” is representing you?
The government is criminal.