
Image result for divided states of america

From T.L. Davis

There is a division of the nation that cannot be repaired. While the media pretends that everything it does is out of concern for the nation, it is really out of concern for the advances toward collectivism that have been made under Barack Obama that piques their concern. The way that the media and the “deep state” cooperate to maintain those collectivist advances is startling, or would be, if anyone reported on it.

Understand that everything that has gone on since the election of Donald Trump has been to deny him the presidency, not so much the office, but the power of the office. This was evident when federal and appellate judges ruled against a clear and logical power of the President concerning national security when he signed executive orders to ban individuals from certain nations from coming to the United States largely because those individuals could not properly be vetted as to previous criminal or terrorist activity.

It is evident when certain cities refuse to obey federal law and governors and mayors openly vow to violate federal law to prevent Donald Trump from enforcing immigration laws.


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a follower
a follower
7 years ago

again with the deep state?
Anyone who studies this stuff…the Illuminati, the Federal Reserve, the Freemasons, the money, the political side, the elite, Hollywood all of it–anyone who goes really deep…finds God, the Bible and Jesus Christ. It’s all about Him. It’s a war on HIM.

Monica Sanders
Monica Sanders
7 years ago

Amen! No truer insight!