Trucker Update

The first video was published earlier. The second video gives a boots on the ground report.

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gail jansen
gail jansen
2 years ago

Remember, many of the truck drivers are vets who manage to stay well employed while dealing with PTSD. Truckers are a very special breed of Americans, and we need them to be working for our sake as well as theirs. Right now, they are our canaries in the coal mine. God keep them safe, please.

Pray for the slaughtered Davidians
Pray for the slaughtered Davidians
2 years ago

UPDATED: As a cattle person, I need to weigh-in on the “mass cattle die-off” video that’s going around.

2 years ago

Has anybody confirmed the fuel shortage story yet? I wandered over (about 80 miles round trip) to my nearby New England Pilot Truck Stop.
Plenty of fuel there, trucks rolling, lots of bitching about the price of diesel but nothing about shortages.
Maybe it was the fuel station this twitter post driver was at? Where please.
We have lots of problems but like the UPDATE below (DO READ IT) the story of mass die off of cattle seems an overblown story of 10K dead in a area with well over a million+ cattle in feed lots. For the math challenged that’s around .01% losses, well in the normal range of business.

2 years ago
Reply to  Michael

I work for one of the largest liquor distributors in the country, and where we’re at there doesn’t seem to be any shortages. My little crew of six guys here deliver most of Western Colorado.