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David DeGerolamo
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Waiting for additional clarification but it appears that this story is being censored.
David DeGerolamo
Wha!? Omg!
It’s common knowledge in Ukraine, that if you or your family have money, you can buy your way out of being sent to the front into the meat grinder. It’s not really a recruitment office. It’s a conscription office. In Ukraine they are literally dragging men off the streets for the military. Over 500,000 Ukrainians have been killed in action, so far. Zelensky says they have to replace 20,000 troops a month. That’s 240,000 per year KIA. And the Ukrainian defenses are collapsing.
Without question, and it’s nothing new: Four US soldiers ‘held for $1m theft’ -- https://www.theguardian.com/world/2003/apr/24/iraq.oliverburkeman
U.S. Army Major Charged with Smuggling Cash from Iraq and Lying -- https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/us-army-major-charged-smuggling-cash-iraq-and-making-false-statements
U.S. military personnel have been convicted of $50 million worth of crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan -- https://publicintegrity.org/national-security/u-s-military-personnel-have-been-convicted-of-50-million-worth-of-crimes-in-iraq-and-afghanistan/
Don’t forget the “Big Guys” 10%. F’ing crooks.
Perhaps those in the USA congress, who are members of the pinnacle of stupid club, should STOP sending money, and weaponry, to the corrupt country of, Ustealem, aka, Ukraine. Mejor no gracias, Lindsey, Victoria, Antony, et al.