Trump Defends Bump Stock Ban, Says it Was the NRA’s Idea

Former President Donald Trump defended his decision to unilaterally ban bump stocks, which he called “very unimportant,” during a CNN town hall on Wednesday night.

The Republican presidential primary frontrunner didn’t turn back on his support for the ban, which has since been found unconstitutional by two federal appeals courts. He said he consulted with the National Rifle Association (NRA) before issuing an order to the ATF to find a way to outlaw the devices. He said the group was supportive of his effort.

“As you know, the bump stops are actually a very unimportant thing,” Trump said. “NRA I went with them, and they said, ‘it doesn’t mean anything, or actually all they do is teach you how to shoot very inaccurately.’ So, we did that.”

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Trump STILL Has a Death Grip on Our Side. Only We the People Can Save Us From this Evil, Not Trump.

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tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

I don’t support Trump, he was and is a New York liberal, take the guns first is what he said in support of red flag laws. There is not a political solution, the majority of people think we can vote our way out of our situation. Well a determined few is all we need to remove the userpers.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

tom, what I don’t get is how many conservatives can believe that Trump could go from being a NY democrat all of his life, then call himself a republican, throw his hat in the ring, and all of his past associations (Clintons, Deep State actors, etc.) is forgotten

It seems that just because he gets in front of a camera and a mic, and sticks his fingers in the eyes of the left (and at times the right when they say something negative about him), and all of a sudden he is this wonderful savior. BS I say. He is a populist. He goes where the wind blows. If he thinks a segment of the population will ‘like him’ for something, he goes for it. It does not matter if its progressive or conservative. And, he never recants when he does something wrong. Never.

I’ll not forgive him for Operation Warp Speed. He has had 2+ years to walk away from it and even lie that he was duped by those around him. Nope, he is still proud of it. I have a couple of friends that listened to him and took the jab. One is dead now and one has serious health problems.

What the hell is wrong with well-meaning people that give him a pass on the death jab? He was robbed of the 2020 election and he should be POTUS but, he is a Trojan Horse traitorous POS that needs to retire to the golf course. He is once again doing a wonderful job of dividing conservatives, something he was PICKED FOR!

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  brewer55

Yes, he is the quintessential actor, the father of the vaccine lest we forget.

1 year ago
Reply to  brewer55

He is just another egotistical so called elite.
honestly, id rather have one good ole country boy than a busload of these elites

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
1 year ago

Trump has never been a supporter of the gun rights. He is a New York jewish controlled democrat pretending to be a conservative. The NRA has always been a sell-out organization. Gun Owners of America and American Firearms Association are much better then the NRA. Will I vote for Trump? No! Unfortunately, the republicans have no one campaigning for president that is a White Christian conservatives who supports gun rights, and that will stop the invasion at the borders Keeping in mind, that there are no honest elections in the FUSA, therefore, voting is a waste of time. Who is $ John Galt?

1 year ago

Agreed. And, I would also ask, who is Henry Bowman?

1 year ago
Reply to  brewer55

He is the grand son of John Galt and where is he when we need him?

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

The NRA should change that wording to national registry association.

1 year ago

Yet another example of the NRA selling us out. The NRA is virtually useless in stopping the left and is the enemy within. Ultimately it is 2A that will defend 2A. I was an NRA junior member and then a member for many years before seeing the light.

1 year ago
Reply to  Quatermain

Same thing with .orgs like the chamber of commerce, just more money grubbing opportunist

1 year ago

With the natural schisms that exist between regular people and metrotards, it is impossible to imagine how a high rise dweller could ever fully respect the value of The Second Amendment. And, the NRA, in spite of its origins is comprised of “LOBBYISTS” so there you have it.

1 year ago

The NRA and repugnicans have been negotiating away our rights for decades, when the hell will people get it. These rights are not subject to whim nor compromise, its getting late, people are becoming more agitated,
i really hate the government and all these lying politicians who say they are “representatives”
they represent nothing but themselves and their special interests

1 year ago

The NRA has been in support of virtually every piece of anti-freedom gun legislation since they were formed.