Trump has a duty…Call and we will answer

Thank you kindly. Merry Christmas and the Glory be to God.

David DeGerolamo

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I smith
I smith
4 years ago

Yes sir

4 years ago

Despite his flaws, which I believe have been forgiven by his valiant sacrifices for our faith and freedom, Trump is the best POTUS I have seen in my 71 years as an American. Call us, Sir, you are Heaven’s chosen, tried, and tempered weapon in this fight for liberty and God’s Plan for America and the world

Thomas Hanna
Thomas Hanna
4 years ago

“…..and they shall call His name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.” (Mat 1:20-23)

Some will not cross the Jordan to do battle in God’s will, some will. If God is with us, who can be against us?

The act of taking communion is also to take an oath with your right hand (see Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament).

If we answer God’s call perhaps Trump will join us.

4 years ago

Per title: And ALL are to “Hold The Line” until such order is given by HIM, alone.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago

The insurrection act.
This has been ‘the plan’ all along. All along? This is what the Q and the Q-anon followers have been saying. They needed the supreme court to fold. This has been “they’re chosen course of action all along. This is what they have said.
Remember Steve Bannon? Remember how Glenn Beck and others called him out for wanting aka ‘needing’ to destroy it all burn it down (start over) “Rise from the ashes?”
If any of you have been following along with the Q thing, the X- 22 reports, you should see and realize this. Jan. 6, 2020. Why are they telling you to go and stand in D.C. ?
And yes i agree, Trump will remain in office, this is the plan and always has been. Relieved? Do not be! And no, Joe Biden also is not the answer!
“Both sides ” from my view have been pushing for this grand reset.” ALL ALONG.
Can you not see this?
Not a restoration, but a complete starting over. Which perhaps this is God driven, yet i do not see how i can in good conscience pick a side in this. No doubt i will and have picked a side and will return fire if and as needed as directed by God and circumstances. i hope others understand. i do not stand with this world they all have their hidden and unhidden agendas, i stand with God, through His Son Yausha.
The world is full of its double speaking conivery and trickery.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago

Trump has no intention of leaving, He has said this in several ways, also Pence is out there prepping those who are listening for this.
Go to this link: Then you will see two boxes , one on the left, one on the right. On the left side it says -- Financial Geopolitical and on the right side-
Pence card in play Prepare to surface,rig to red, (Watch this one if possible.)
And yes there are sales pitches (commercials occasionaly) deal with it, push through.)

lon haney
lon haney
4 years ago
Reply to  a follower

Trump- ” The next administration “I am also asking Congress to immediately get rid of the wasteful and unnecessary items from this legislation, and to send me a suitable bill, or else the next administration will have to deliver a covid relief package, and maybe that administration will be me,” Trump said.