Trump: New Administration Will Be Inaugurated On Jan 20

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4 years ago

“They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance, by lying supinely on our backs, and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. Three millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations; and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come.”

4 years ago
Reply to  tangle

There in no more time for a peaceful solution, the individuals in government today do not care about this country or the people that live in it. Elections have been fraudulent for a long time this one was the worst case scenario we have ever witnessed. Who wants to vote anymore for the same results. People need to get their heads out of the sand and be ready to fight for freedom just like they did in the American Revolution.

4 years ago

This has been a bleak day as all of the reality settles in. I can’t stomach Trump’s video because if he seriously is tidying up for the peaceful transition to Biden, then all of this violence, and the coming violence, is on him. Period. I feel disgusted and duped by Trump. It would make perfect sense that he was chosen and placed in the Presidency to reveal all the potential resistance to CCP/USA. Wouldn’t that be grand? If all along Trump was acting his part simply to betray us by exposing and setting us up? But who among the living has not been used before?

Today in my little town the ‘conference Center’ had free Covid-19 vax! and UN employees from Contact Tracers to the new UN Economic Development Center in a county of 58,000 residents! Imagine. What timing! The local police had to direct traffic all day to accommodate the crowd.

Yes. The time is come and we are in the thick of it. Thinking Liberty or Death, Lord, Liberty or Death.

One last thought. God says in the Bible that Liberty is where He is. Then, Liberty or Death is a totally fitting quest and we should know that as long as we live, the taste of Liberty still exists upon this earth and God has not fully turned away.

4 years ago
Reply to  gail.jansen

“then all of this violence, and the coming violence, is on him.”

Not really. The People chose to follow a man that flew on the Lolita Express and called Epstein a great guy when interviewed by the FBI. It was obvious from the beginning that he compromised.

I do understand the disappointment and the wanting someone to trust in government.

Bo Perrin
4 years ago

This is my interpretation of Trump’s so-called concession speech.

First, there was no violence from Trump’s side. There was some pushing and some ran across the lawn, etc., but the only violence was the Capitol police and known Antifa.
Additionally, Trump deployed the national guard. But all of the MSMs claim that Trump was not in the loop when the guard was deployed. Why?

How is calm to be restored? Trump knows and has stated such of what will happen to conservatives in this country if Communist Biden and his whore take the office. How then can calm be restored? There are Communists who are already calling for the cleansing of America of conservatives. He knows if this transition happens there will be war.

Also, what is the business of America. Is it Communism? He knows that is what will happen if Communist backed dem party takes over. Trump has always argued that the business of America is to be great. But to be great it must be free. He, other than militias, is the only one who can keep us free. The business of America according to Trump is to save it.

The campaign pursued every legal avenue. This is key. Trump cannot invoke a military option without using the law. Remember we are a nation of law and order he said. But what if that law and order is so corrupted it refuses to render justice? That is what the insurrection act as well as the 2nd Admen is all about. I believe he is saying I have tried every legal avenue. Now I must act outside the legal structure in order to bring law and order to the nation.
Congress has certified the results. Actually, that is not the whole truth. The fact is this date is not Constitutional. The assemblies of the states can decertify the results if they believe the former results have been found to be erroneous. Additionally, anyone in congress who certifies criminal certification are themselves accessories to the crime. Why is that important? The certification clearly shows who the criminals are in both parties.

What does Trump say his job is? An orderly and seamless transition of power. But transition does not necessarily mean a changing of the guard. The purpose of the vote is to create an orderly and seamless transition of power from one presidency to another. In this case from the 45th to the 46th Presidency. But the transition of the power could be the changing of the guard or merely the same guard. An orderly and seamless transition has very little to do with the person but the process.

Trump said we must rebuild the greatest economy on earth. He knows what Commie Joe and his whore have in store for the US. Shutting down the economy by shutting us up in our homes. He as a business person knows what will truly happen. So, in his eyes there is only one way to make America great and that is he remains Constitutionally in the office.

He goes on to say we need to all work together and gives a list of values. I am sure he has already heard of the calls from the Communists about purging and cleansing America of conservatives. He knows Commie Joe and his whore have no desire to bring all Americans together. Rather, their goal is to only bring false Americans to the table leaving the true Americans outside. Listen to his values:
Patriotism (The Dems are Moaists flunkies)
Faith (The Dems removed God from their platform and any other place possible)
Charity (This is Biblical term which refers to giving to others because of believe in God.)
Family (This is exactly what the LBGT (Dems) are seeking to destroy)
One national family. But the Communist backed Dems are calling for the extermination of at least 80 million Americans. They do not want a nation family which includes us. Conservatives are the only group that has been stupid enough to allow not merely competing ideologies to survive in America but diametrically opposed ideologies to survive.

He mentions that having been our President has been an honor. Sounds like he is conceding? I don’t believe so. He did not concede earlier today and nothing has changed (well for Pence there has been change). He said that a new administration will be inaugurated in Jan. 20. A new administration does not mean a different person. If the 45th President is reelected and inaugurated on Jan. 20 he now becomes the 46th President of the US. A new administration.

The ending is interesting. Are we disappointed? Yes. In the politicians, the political structures, the infiltration of the CCP, etc. But if disappointed means we are disappointed in Trump’s loss, then there is no future. It has ended. It is not just beginning. But what if that he has now used up every legal avenue and has found that our present political structures are so rampant with corruption and CCP influence that he has decided to use a military or semi-military option?

Today something happened that is very interesting. The Italians arrested the individual who was a part of the US embassy in Rome who is ground zero for all the software being used to manipulate the voting machines. According to the report he is trying to save himself and is handing over names as we speak. This is what was missing before the courts themselves. But the courts are useless because they have been infiltrated by the CCP or are pedophiles. This is ground zero proof we are at war!

Trump has been steadfast. He has made promises openly. He has shown a clear grasp of the situation(s). This maybe why Trump went to a military base in Texas according to Monkeywerks. He still has time to save the nation from a civil war.

Bo Perrin (Minister, MA in Political Science)

4 years ago
Reply to  Bo Perrin

And he left all those there hang as they walked to the Capital building. In other words he pulled a no show. At that point in time, shooting or no shooting a leader was needed.

4 years ago

I thought he was in twitter jail…

4 years ago

For 12 hours.

4 years ago

The President just surrendered America to the Chicom democRat puppets. George Washington joined King George to subdue the peasants.
The “political class” has betrayed the people, 40% of the people agreed to the betrayal, 40% want to keep their heads bowed and be subservient, 20% may be willing to fight, 10% may be able to fight, 3% will fight.

4 years ago

In like a lion and out like a lamb. How can he turn his back on America when he full well knows that the socialists coming to power on 1/20/21 will totally destroy our country, for ever! He is a total disgrace, weak and lacks any backbone and fiber. Does he not remember the 75 million plus who supported and voted for him? We have been had once again by another Republican. From hero to zero. May the destruction of our great country forever be upon his head and may history remember him as the great deserter.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tristan

He did fly on the Lolita Express.You have to keep that in mind.

4 years ago

If what we’ve been hearing from Monkeywerks, Prather, Adams, and many others
doesn’t come to pass…that some big plan to expose and bring to justice all the bad
players…Well friends, we’re on our own. To repel the commies and traitors which
crave to enslave us…or kill us. Well, that’s fine either way…for this Republic WILL

4 years ago
Reply to  Paraclete

We have always been on our own. It is The People duty to stop it, no one or branch of the government has the duty according to the Constitution.

4 years ago

Trump has yet to say he has conceded. He still can invoke the insurrection act now that he fully knows who all in CON-gress are traitors which was not possible until the actions of January 6th played it’s full course.

At this point, what is another 13 days to see what transpires? Most of us are all locked, loaded, supplied, and squads ready to go anyway. Preps topped off in early 2020 as the shanghai shivers came online.

Article -- food for thought:

James Chestnut
James Chestnut
4 years ago

Video is a play for time by Trump team -- slow it down -- watch closely
Watch for news out of Italy
US embassy in Rome
fraud votes uploaded to Italian military satellite -- downloaded to Frankfurt Germany
downloaded to voting machines election night from Germany (remember raid in Frankfurt Sydney Powell talked about?)
Remember Col. Waldron saying they had the traffic/packets?
Sunday Jan 17th they roll up the traitors.
Pence is a white hat -- he’s in on it with Trump. They allowed the electoral votes to be counted because some in congress know the truth. Now they’ve committed treason
Trumps 3 minute speech he gave last night was in front of a green screen-not at the White House -- he never conceded or mentioned China Joe.
Trump is sworn in on the 20th. Soon after he steps down -- “mission accomplished.” Starts TrumpTelevision.
Pence becomes President -- picks a new VP.

Maybe this is true -- or maybe I’m just a tin foil hat dumbass.

4 years ago

Trump never said he was going to concede. Take a look at this video that explains how Italy was involved in the US election fraud in 17 states. I believe they recently delivered affadavit to Congress regarding this: