Is this important? Or media misdirection? What should we be considering instead?
- The worldwide economic collapse. The SSE Composite Index is down 25.48% this month.
- The Muslim invasion of Europe.
- The murder of LaVoy Finicum by the FBI.
- Deflation coupled with inflation.
- ISIS and the new alliances forming in the Middle East, Southern Europe, Iran and Pakistan.
Massive unemployment and Muslim immigrants terrorizing the West will lead to civil unrest in what is being labelled as the upcoming Patriot Spring. The above drama with the 2016 elections is nothing more than bread and circuses associated with a crumbling empire which is looking for an excuse to institute martial law.
David DeGerolamo
Anything is a distraction to the real news. How the whole TV is formatted is stupid. How the news is presented is stupid as in, ” man beats his wife, more at 10″. How about giving us the news or none of this childish teaser crap. Or how about, ” police raid man’s house- find 3 guns and 300 rounds of ammunition” So what if they find 3 guns, it’s not illegal unless he’s a felon but the news creeps make it sound like 300 rounds and 3 guns make him a threat to national security.
The news media are the ones creating the sensational headlines and leaving out the real stories that truly effect our lives. Sound bites and “their” opinion has become the news not the “whole truth and nothing but the truth”. If Trump wants to sit this one out then just pretend he has a bad case of the flu and is hospitalized. The news guys are just pissed that Trump is calling his own shots.