Trump Sentencing on January 10th

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2 months ago

This judge must be fully investigated for judicial Fraud/Misconduct and sent to federal prison for interfering in the 2024 elections as well as his daughter for collecting millions of dollars for the Harris campaign. It’s high time this lunatic part time judge gets sentenced severely.

2 months ago
Reply to  phil1350


Snotty Boy
Snotty Boy
2 months ago
Reply to  phil1350

How about executing them instead? Why should the long-suffering taxpayer support this scum while they are relaxing in “club fed”?

2 months ago

2025 is not wasting time. Lit that candle promptly at 0001 on 1/1/2025. Yahoo…!

Doug E.
Doug E.
2 months ago

As far as this judge goes we all know not one damn thing will happen will him. The Republicans spines have already melted like putty. The 24/7 tear down of all things Trump and MAGA continues unabated. The first action needs to be to free all of the J6 political prisoners. The second action needs to be the complete closure of our borders.

2 months ago
Reply to  Doug E.

#3: Once #1 & #2 are rolling, remove every recent illegal (5 years back or so--for starters) from the Nation. Escort them to the Mexico side of The Friendship Wall* because Mexico allowed transit by these illegals and thus bears the responsibility of repatriation.
Oh! Mexico won’t like/support this? Then I’ll take “Zero Commerce At The Border” for $200, Alex.
*The Friendship Wall,” so named because only “friends” of the U.S. would cross our borders legally, yes? All others would be, de facto, enemies of the U.S.
Si se puede!

2 months ago

Marchan isn’t going to give up. He can’t. ANY backing down now would signal he KNOWS his entire court room circus was illegal, illegitimate and the product of the corrupt communist left. The left can’t ever surrender…even when they know they can’t prevail.

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
2 months ago


Diva of Dance
Diva of Dance
2 months ago

Regardless of what should happen in Merchan’s career, what is the end goal in this sentencing in the 11th hour? So if I read Amendment XIV Section 3 of the US Constitution correctly, hush money is not listed as an offense. What is the typical sentence given to someone convicted of paying hush money? Either way, is the plan to have Trump sworn in while serving the sentence (jail time or home confinement) Judge Merchan hands down? And then can’t Trump just pardon himself after he’s inaugurated? I’m saying this whole charade is simply distraction from something worse that is planned.