Trump STILL Has a Death Grip on Our Side. Only We the People Can Save Us From this Evil, Not Trump.

Trump STILL has a death grip on Our Side.

When I published this tiny article yesterday, I was expecting one particular comment, lo and behold, it appeared. It comes from Martha. Here is her comment, “So you’re telling me that if Trump is the Republican Candidate for President vs. maybe Hillary, you’re voting for the Democrat??? If so, then you deserve that the United States fall.” Thank you for your comment Martha. No I’m not voting for anyone. I withdraw my consent to be governed by these evil people who occupy the capitol of our once great Republic. As I’ve written before, I do wish Hillary would have won back in the day, because this war that we are now faced with would already have been over. We are not getting any younger. Time is fleeting. I wish to provide the freedom that my children so greatly deserve. I don’t want to die under communism knowing that my children will have to fight for their freedom, I’d rather fight the battle for them.

Did Trump do some good things? Sure. Whatever TPTB let him get away with. I do think Trump caught the Deep State by surprise, but they were quickly in control of him once they realized they didn’t rig the election with Hillary well enough. Trump pushing these vaccine’s is a major red flag, although his handlers have seemed to gotten the message and are now telling him to back off pushing the poison.

Trump is the standard, the example and the false idol against which every issue, candidate and movement is measured against. He has such a demonic emotional hold. He’s our Judas and no one really sees all that that entails. He really is the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man of our side. He is the form of self destruction we chose and now we cannot exorcise him from our midst.

Trump wasn’t “weak” or “misguided” or “corrupted.” He didn’t “try” or “mean well” or “wanted to.”

He NEVER WAS one of us. Trump has been an elite all his life. Trump was loved by the Deep State.

He IS our Enemy Within and I am convinced he has been since the very beginning.

But what does that say about us? There was a widespread blind emotional hubris that fell for this cad as hard as any teenage girl ever fell for a Casanova. That’s the “sin” that those who voted for him twice won’t open their eyes to and repent of.  Yes, he’s a liar. Yes, he’s a cheater. But it was US who deep down HAD to have known that – and “supported” it anyway. We BEGGED him to use us. We looked at God’s standards and then threw them away on Trump as quickly as any teenage girl “in love” ever threw away her virginity. We’ve got to face the ugly truth about ourselves and how we fell for such an obvious scam. If not, we’ll do it again. (And we’re going to in the heat of the next Presidential election cycle). Look, I voted for him reluctantly when he was running against Hillary. I did not vote for him in the primaries. But I did not want that witch Hillary to win. Looking back I wish she would’ve won. The Civil War most likely would have started the moment she was declared the victor. Although we watched our country stolen right out from under us in the previous election and did nothing, so who know’s.

Then there’s the “Evangelicals” who twisted Scripture to “support” Trump by equating his obvious ungodliness to King David or Nebuchadnezzar. They cried out “Give us Barabbas!” and yoked Trump to Jesus and Christianity in front of a lost world. That’s GOT to be repented of in as overwhelming a public acknowledgement as the way we declared him “God’s Anointed to MAGA.” It’s sackcloth and ashes time.

Then finally Trump HAS to be purged from the movement. We can’t have a rally or a gun show or a public event without someone in a stupid red MAGA hat or waving a Trump flag showing up. That’s like having someone show up to church wearing a “Judas Iscariot is my Home Boy” t shirt. We should be having bonfires of all that idolatrous paraphernalia just like when the Israelites had to burn down the groves they erected to their false idols.

At most I’m seeing anger in the commenters here at NCRenegade. Many FINALLY see that they’ve been conned. But there is NO heartbroken repentance and self-examination. Just like a scorned woman who bashes her “rat bastard ex,” we’re ripe for a rebound relationship that will prove even more destructive. Trump keeps holding packed self-worship rallies where he makes excuses and grander promises. As long as people on Our Side keep answering his booty call, there is NO hope and only more certain destruction to come.

The world is upside down and fools surround us. I’ve suffered under this evil government about as long as I care to. Everyone needs to realize the future is all in our hands, not these evil people in our so called government. Evil must be confronted and held accountable. It’s time we do what needs doing. Quit looking for Trump to do it for you. Only We the People can save us from this evil.


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NC Rob
NC Rob
2 years ago

Of course they all want a savior. We live in a country of adult children that want mommy or daddy to save them rather then to take responsibility and fix things. The people we (s)elect reflect just how morally corrupt our country is and that won’t change any time soon. Maybe if the economy collapses and the “vaccines” take 70% of our population we will be left with people that are willing to restore our country.
The pastor from yesterday’s post was almost there but he still was pushing the “we need to exhaust all options” -- as if we hadn’t tried them all since 1865. TPTB are way ahead of us that they continue their constant push to globalization…our push dies every generation and regrows once a small handful have had enough tyranny.


2 years ago

Wes, unfortunately, you are correct on all counts. My greatest sadness is that I realize just how easily manipulated the general population is. Between Trump and the plandemic, it has been easy to observe that the vast majority of people are easily brainwashed. I daresay that there may only be about 5% of the population that still have critical thinking skills. 2 years later you still see a lot of mask wearing. A year and several months after the 11/3 election and you still have Qanon followers that believe Trump is president and that the military are coming to the aid of the American people. It is so easy for the alphabet agencies to create false flags and psyops that the majority of people will fall for.
I am ashamed to say that I used to be, at least in part, one of those who still thought that if I voted for the lesser of 2 evils that it was better than putting up with the #1 “evil” candidate. I voted for Romney vs. Oblahblah, and I voted for McStain, a traitor to the country and the cause of over one hundred deaths on that aircraft carrier. I read many of the angry comments about Trump in that post from yesterday too. I was one of them. Why? Because no one likes to be bamboozled and taken for a ride. NO MORE!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

McStain was a traitor, his so-called injury to his shoulders was not caused by torture, the aircraft he was in when he was shot shot down had a smaller canopy and when he ejected his shoulders hit that canopy.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

They now have the truckers as their savior, just so they don’t have to take the action that is needed, one commenter claimed that nothing will come out of the city I live in and asked if I agreed. I did not answer, he needs to justify his pacifist views. He also stated I probable was never in the military, I joined in 1968, I know plenty of people just like him, he was probable filling supply requisitions or behind some desk. I to want to bring back our Republic before I die, I am older now and have more time behind me than in front of me. I pledge everything I have to my God, family and country to restore our Republic. I will stand and fight with my brothers and sisters, it is our duty and obedience to God.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

As a note, the first and foremost supply line that should be interrupted is the political supply line, they should not be able to take any more actions against we the people. We need to restrict their free movement ASAP.

2 years ago

Trump and Biden are two sides of the same coin. Trump is a globalist and a Zionist. His daughter believes in Kabbalah, His grand-daughter sang to Xi in Mandarin. That was the first language she learned. Trump is morally bankrupt and they chose him to sell you the vaccine. No one else could have pushed this on the conservatives and evangelicals like Trump.

Arthur Sido
2 years ago

It is understandable. Most White people haven’t had anyone who even pretended to care about us for half a century or more. When Trump sort of sounds like he does, it was like a life raft for people who want to pretend that we still live in a Republic. No one wants to admit that the system has failed and we are just waiting for the shooting to start, they still think we can vote our way out of this.

2 years ago
Reply to  Arthur Sido

…and this goes to why in many cases, those coming over the southern border are necessary (to the economy and social structure) and welcome. Whites have shown they are no longer capable collectively, of building culture, don’t care to teach their ‘own’ to innovate, create, skill-sets to help throughout one’s lifetime, educate in terms of teaching, and not only the rote impartation of memorization, nor do they have replacement level birth rates. They shipped essentially all their manufacturing overseas, and alsi lack the intellectual prowess to teplace the positions of those that are retiring. Again, the need is pointed out for immigrants. If the grid goes down for instance, where is the manual know-how to fix things, and where will the labor come from?

2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

Whites are still doing those things, just not the Whites in federal government and most state governments. Whites are too capable of collective action, that is how we allowed ourselves to be bamboozled by people telling us 3rd world savages were part of our collective.

I have no doubt that if enough Whites tribe up in flyover states that we can turn things around.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

Meet Your Intelligence Officer -- JEFFREY PRATHER Here is someone who has been getting people to organize on the state and local level nationwide. Something that will keep a man in everlasting ignorance, contempt prior to investigation.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
2 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

Look at management at federal jobs, they’re all being led by women, the men are pushed aside so the minority hires get preference. Incompetance rules.
We had a female trail crew here at USFS several summers ago, (I sharpened hand saws for them), nothing got done that summer, the trails were clogged by downfall all season. The next year they hired private contractors. Worthless women, prima donnas every one, and of course, superior to men.

Foot in the Forest
Foot in the Forest
2 years ago

WES, I really hate to make this observation but here I go. If you turn off the sound and just watch Trump and the crowd at any event the reaction of the crowd on an emotional level and Trumps feeding off it bears a striking resemblance to films of Adolph Hitler during his rise to power. And yes, I also voted for him twice as the lesser of 2 evils. NO LONGER

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
2 years ago

Yes, everyone loves to ridicule the stupid Nazi’s, but we’re seeing the exact same thing here in the good ole USA. Blind fanaticism and they won’t wake up they’re being led down the wrong path.

2 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

Actually the nazis were the reaction to what we are seeing in the US.
Weimer Germany = current USA.
Bolsheviks then = Bolsheviks now.
nazi Germany = ???
If you don’t think we are getting to where we need to go without using some ‘nazi’ tactics, you aren’t paying attention. Perhaps there is a reason Bolsheviks in charge now have spent decades villifying the tactics that removed them from power then.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
2 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

My father was HJ 1936-38, Fallschirmjager 1939-46, I get it. The rest of them don’t however.

2 years ago

Wow, you voted for Hitler twice?! You must be old 😉
Who was the greater evil, Joseph Stalin?

2 years ago

100% in agreement.

Francis W. Porretto
2 years ago

Be not too quick to condemn others who see their vote as an instrument of self-defense. While I’ve come to believe (again) that the only bloodless way out of this madness is to withdraw all evidence of our consent to be governed, I could be wrong; anyone can. Besides, there’s always the possibility that our way might not work, in which case even a very flawed champion might be the best we can do.
President Trump did what he could despite intense resistance and no small amount of misdirection from those around him. I’m not willing to fault him. As has been said many times, whatever his demerits, at least he loves America and wants to see it do well.
Let’s make friends and allies, not enemies and opponents. Anyone going in our direction is a fellow traveler to be cherished…even if at some unknown point down the road we find that we must part company with him.

2 years ago

I feel when a leader wants the people to prosper, he is not wanting to destroy them or to Control them. Now, do I fully trust Trump, NO.
The only man that has my complete trust is JESUS CHRIST.
Biden and his company has done everything they can do to bring the U.S to its knees. When people are hungry and helpless, it is Then they are easy to control…….Trump did not do That.

NC Rob
NC Rob
2 years ago

While I’ve come to believe (again) that the only bloodless way out of this madness is to withdraw all evidence of our consent to be governed, I could be wrong; anyone can.
You are wrong. The state WILL NOT allow you to withdraw consent. They will close your accounts, take away your home, have you fired and throw you in jail. There is only one way out of this.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
2 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Everyone is still looking for an Easy Button. Reality sucks and must be evaded.

2 years ago

If our consent mattered they wouldn’t have been working so hard for decades to obviate the need for it.

2 years ago

We as Christian’s are never to put our complete trust in any man Except Jesus Christ. With that being said, there has been no one to come along and unite this Nation lately, not in the way Trump has.
The Good people of this Nation can take it back and kick out this corruption that grows in our government, but Not without a Strong Leader.
Trump had his hands tied with the other side having control of the House and Senate. Even with all of that, he helped our economy and energy dependence of other nations. Until someone else comes along that can unite us as the way he did, I stick with Trump. At least until I see something from him that shows Treason, like I see constantly in the Democratic Party.

TS in AZ
TS in AZ
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie.

The Antichrist will be the great uniter. Recognize your flawed reasoning brother. What we are seeing is preordained, and we are to discern and learn from it.

2 years ago

Trump couldn’t do it with out our help!! We the people have failed not Trump!

2 years ago
Reply to  Rickyracer

The truth hurts!! Most of you are whining keyboard warriors who will hide when shtf!!

a follower
a follower
2 years ago

So after all the images and posts of people standing across this world, it gets close to home. Then we (YOU) are ‘torn’ up because someone is actually ‘planning an event at home? Planning i would imagine to garnner more support and perhaps to give notice to prepare further!
Imagine that someone with a plan verses others with no plan other than to kick off the blood bath!
Selfishness comes in all forms does it not? Time may be your friend and not so much your enemy?

NC Rob
NC Rob
2 years ago
Reply to  a follower

Maybe you should pray for your mind and senses back. No one know wtf you are talking about.

a follower
a follower
2 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

The ones that want to understand do understand.
Do you know why america is different? We are armed and we still will peacefully protest and some of us are wise enough to see the value in this!

a follower
a follower
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

So? do you think they (enemy) are just going to blow away?
Peaceful protest come with pains and discomfort!

NC Rob
NC Rob
2 years ago
Reply to  a follower

And the rest of us know that the TPTB laugh at your peaceful protests. Or they will just lock you up like the J6 “peaceful protesters” (or “insurrectionalists” as they have been branded).
2A was NOT written for peaceful protests. The founding fathers put it in for a reason. Cowards will ignore it and cling to their peaceful protests. You accomplish nothing but run your mouth. You will die a slave. Hope your family finds a man to protect them.

2 years ago
Reply to  a follower

Peaceful protests very rarely work. Even BLM had to burn down some cities to get cops arrested for doing their job.

Most other peaceful protests that supposedly worked, didn’t work because of protesting but because TPTB had ginned up the protest themselves in order give them an excuse to do what they already wanted to do.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

Does not matter if they visibly work. They work in hidden ways.
People talk of uniting yet are unwilling to do the work!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  a follower

A BRITISH MERC, SOLDIER OF FORTUNE, AND A FIREFIGHT, Part One – Soldier of Fortune Magazine Maybe this will be your savior, someone else fighting for your freedom.

2 years ago

Spot on all counts. The Federal Gubment is the problem. Like wolves at the door, the one that survives is the one you feed. amerika the great is fallen is fallen. Come out her least ye be partakers of her plauges.

Last edited 2 years ago by Shipwreck
SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
2 years ago
Reply to  Shipwreck

The American people are the problem, they have no discernment. They allowed this to happen by not keeping gov’t in check, instead allowed the gov’t to vote itself new laws establishing themselves the new God’s of the Potomac. They control us and no one seems to care, we can’t vote our way out of servitude.
The majority of people I know and meet are like Martha, they see everything as a 2 sided coin, you’re either with us or against us. No room for differing views or opinions; right now Trump good, Biden bad. That’s all they know, and are quite happy staying ignorant of life’s many other options. Like growing a mind of their own and exercising it for better living, stop following false prophets and work for the better good of humanity.
But most choose to stay in their arrogant ignorance.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

i believe Trump was one of these false prophets.
i do believe He was sent by God as many false prophets exclaimed.
Yet they assumed they knew the purpose!

NC Rob
NC Rob
2 years ago
Reply to  Shipwreck

Spot on!
Carlin was 100% right.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
2 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

What’s amazing is the number of people who refuse to hear the message, they will not listen to truth, instead, prefering the illusion of lies fed them by the media. Even when presented with facts and figures of the corruption in this country, the masses resort to their carnival like news soap operas. It truly is poolitical theatre.

2 years ago

I see Biden as an ignorant puppet and trump is now just a mascot

2 years ago

Trump was the best president in 100 years. Yep, the deep state hated him. So?
We will continue to go down in defeat if we keep expecting “our” guy to be perfect. So you just take your ball and go home by withholding your vote. Then shut the hell up because the rest of us have no use for a quitter.

a follower
a follower
2 years ago
Reply to  Stuart

“The father of the vaccine.” ?
Perfect? How about better? How about humble at all?
He is a leader He i believe will be back, but if you think he is a great healer i believe all of us are going to be greatly disappointed.
Concerned that:
Many people here who seek one thing and one thing only will be the ones running back to him in droves no matter what they are now proclaiming.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stuart

Amen brother!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Stuart

Who did he get locked up, other than the J6 patriots? The FBI had a press conference where they announced HRC had committed felonies. Yet she is still free, campaign promise to the contrary. Speaking of campaign promises, how ’bout that border wall? Which could have been funded for less than the cost of the computer system that runs Ocare.

a follower
a follower
2 years ago

They cried out “Give us Barabbas!”
This is what the world including many here are still doing!
No replies on the Benjamin Franklin being a Diest and what this may mean?
Because deists do not believe that God manifests himself directly, they believe that he can only be understood through the application of reason and through the study of the universe he created. Deists have a fairly positive view of human existence, stressing the greatness of creation and the natural faculties granted to humanity, …
Do they believe in Mashiak in the Flesh?
Stop looking to Trump, or “we the people. ”
The Remnant is a set apart entity.

Last edited 2 years ago by a follower
2 years ago

I voted for Trump twice although in previous elections I threw my vote to the libertarian candidate for president. I voted for Trump the first time because he obviously seemed to stick a finger in the eye of both the left and the so called right. Anyone who pissed off both sides had to had at least a few redeeming points.
Did he makes mistakes? Of course and it is hard to believe that anyone smart enough to make it in the rough and tumble world of high stakes real estate could be stupid enough to surround themselves with so many incompetent and treacherous advisors. Perhaps it was all by design, just more Kubuki theater. I voted for him the second time because I had hoped that he had learned the errors of his ways if the beatings he had taken from all sides had taught him anything.
So here I sit on our homestead on a rainy day looking forward to whatever comes knowing that it is all in God’s hands and that the ending has already been written. What happens between here and that ending I cannot say. I am by all measurable standards too old to fight, but fight I will with my last breath if I must. I will fight as a soldier of Christ for my family, our homestead and my tribe. I will not fight for the constitution, the country or even for the old Republic for they are long since dead and will not be resurrected to what they once were.
If we are in fact in the midst of another fourth turning then much chaos is to come before it passes. If we in fact heading into the end of days then once the first seal is broken we will have seven years of hell on earth before the 1000 year reign. Until then we keep on praying, planting, harvesting and storing away what we can grow. Old I may be but do not count me out in a fight. Call me Samuel Whittemore.

2 years ago
Reply to  sawman

Well said sir.
(Hat TIps in John W. Hinson)

2 years ago
Reply to  sawman

I think I can parallel what you just said. And, yes, no matter what we do at this point we will never (and I repeat NEVER) restore our country to a constitutional republic. What we face now is a Mad Max scenario in the making. I have no problem with that, because it is inevitable. I too am old and limited physically; but don’t get in the way of my shooting eye. I am fully prepared to die and hope the Lord will forgive me for feeling this way. Sorry folks. America is finished. From here on out it’s gonna get bloody. And most of us are going to see it through alone. And one more thing. You better re read your bible. This is a time of testing to separate the believers from the BINO. The refinement process has begun.

2 years ago

A flaw in your argument is this: A Clinton victory in 2016 would have started a civil war. If that is true then why hasn’t the Biden coup started a civil war? The truth is, we don’t know what else to do but vote and then change the intelligence and justice apparatus in order to punish the criminal actions that have been happening since (pick a date).

Yet we keep reading suicidal and hapless advice to stop voting altogether.

The Democrats thank you.

Also, we have been told by our own to surrender our First Amendment rights because demonstrations are not going to work. They are going to be hijacked. This too is pathetic as anyone watching the brave Canadian truckers can see. The ball is in Trudeau’s court. Will he negotiate or will he use force? If he uses force will the truckers fold up the tents and go home or will they fight back? There’s your kickoff to the crisis, like what some here are waiting for, the Fort Sumpter moment.

Play out a similar demonstration here. We had the Bonus Army fiasco, will the next rebellion end the same way? Without a leader, a military leader representing us, we will see local rebellions with many people killing each other while the billionaire funders sit back and watch a the carnage that they designed through a strategy of divide and conquer. And after all of the death, some day they will identify the villains when reflective people reassess what happened.

That group is not untouchable. You either destroy the demon itself or you play the demons game by reducing the US population by tens of millions by allowing ourselves to be manipulated by a group of people that must be punished for the sake of the innocent.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
2 years ago
Reply to  Retired

Right now, today, the world hinges on what happens with the Canadian police, will they attack the truckers, and will the Canadian people fight back? Or will they fold and all head home once some middle ground is found? Still doesn’t fix the problem of us being controlled cattle.
If WE do not take action now, it will all be for naught, the world gov’t’s will herd us again, and this time the fences just get higher. They’re pretty sure, from past experience, the cattle won’t fight back.
The masses/cattle would rather sit on their couches, fondling their guns and playing reality games, rather than face cold weather and the threat of being shot at, or dying. The reality is, we are all headed for the slaughter house, whether by vax or gun.

2 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

Yes, but with some qualifications.

“We must take action…”.

One kind we cannot discuss here. The other kinds such as what the men in Canada are doing, or voting and non-voting are other actions that either give legitimacy or deny it to our oppressors. By not voting as a protest against the corruption, fraud, and tyranny of the present Democrat Party, that allows them the legitimacy for their charade and for their policies in the aftermath. I will not give them any legitimacy.

As you and I discussed elsewhere, my other choice involves a) a large source of funding, b) information, c) trained men who receive a and b, and d) someone or a covert group to bring it together.

Just waiting for the right moment and then watching the USA explode in thousands of locations is what the elite prefer—no fear in them, right? Stop them, stop their funding enemies of America, foreign and domestic, and retake the country. I’m just thinking and should this be read by eyes that are on the public payroll, nothing in this is against your fed gov, just the people who are manipulating my fed gov. These elites are not above The Constitution nor am I their subject.

2 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

“Taking action” as you likely define it is what the government wants us to do, as that is what they are designed to counter. They want it so much that when we don’t give them that action, they manufacture it themselves with entrapment (MI “kidnapping” plot) or outright propaganda (J6 “insurrection.”)

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
2 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

I know they’re waiting for any excuse to fix us, even the slightest provocation on our part and the guns come out, but just sitting here and letting the noose tighten is also not a viable option.There’s some of us who understand who runs the show and their end goal, and then there’s the mindless media sheep chasing every squirrel fed them to them and they’re of no help, they really have no fuk’n clue who’s pulling their strings. Exactly as planned too.
Ich verstehe.

2 years ago
Reply to  Retired

I agree that there will be no spontaneous declaration of CW. That is fantasy, just like belief in a Mad Max collapse.

The problem with the trucker thing is that no one with real power cares. Basically, TPTB orchestrated supply interruptions, then to protest that, truckers increased supply interruptions… Which is what TPTB want for some nefarious reason, probably relating to people crying out for government to do something, anything. I’m sure government already has the list of ‘anything’ all typed up.

I 100% agree that we need a leader, a real one. Probably a governor, or the leader of a regional 3rd party. The desperate need for that leader is why we fall prey so easily to false leaders.

2 years ago

Preach it!

Steven Fishman
Steven Fishman
2 years ago

Trump is in the pocket of Big Pharma Drug Cartel Mafia Chieftain Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla. Trump wrote an Executive Order paying a TRILLION dollars to fund OPERATION WARP DEATH. He has lied even recently on the FOX News rodeo circuit [Marc Levin, Hannity, Maria Bartiromo] saying that the Eugenics Depopulation Lethal Injection Bioweapon was “safe and effective.” Trump is a pimp and a whore for the mass murdering Vaccine Holocaust. So is Biden. So is Satanthony Fauci. So is Bill Gates of Hell. So is Klaus “Fourth Reich” Schwab. So is Chaos Merchant George Soros. They all deserve to be dragged in front of a Nuremberg-style Court and tried for Crimes Against Humanity and then shot in front of a firing squad. There is NO CURE for the Lethal Injection Bioweapon. EVERYONE who has taken even one suicide shot will be dead by 2030. That is what the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset is all about. Depopulation.

2 years ago
Reply to  Steven Fishman

I doubt it’s a straight kill shot. There is a lot of evidence that different batches have different effects, with most negatives from certain batches. Also, killing doesn’t help to control populations very well as populations breed back fast. Likely, the real ‘kill shot’ is sterility, perhaps generational like they have started testing for mosquito control: infected reproduce as normal, but offspring are sterile, thus negating lots of reproduction in the 2nd gen.

2 years ago

the push is coming in many directions. the one getting my attention the most are the coming attempts to infringe on our second amendment by unelected bureaucrats. seems they have been given a blank check by this administration for an all out assault. we can thank Trump for setting some of this in motion.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

A wise man once wrote, pity the nation that needs heroes.

David Stephens
David Stephens
2 years ago

How does Wes not get this? Governments do not govern people, governments govern things for people.

2 years ago
Reply to  David Stephens

Try not paying your taxes, see who gets ‘governed’ then.

gail jansen
gail jansen
2 years ago

I could not have said this better myself. DJT’s mask has drooped, and he is the “great deception’s” Master of the Coming Ceremonies of Destruction.

2 years ago

Since the Biden administrations ratings are the lowest in U.S. history…..some idiot wants to place the blame on President Trump for this ridiculously inept administration! Trump would be President today except for the rigged election imposed on the citizens of the United States. Your BS is not working!

2 years ago
Reply to  DianeC

The rigged election was made possible by Trump passively standing by, as he did for so many things. He blathered on about election fraud, but did nothing about it.

2 years ago

If the true President was still in office President Trump, gasoline would still be $2.50 a gallon and the virus would have been over by now. FJB

NC Rob
NC Rob
2 years ago
Reply to  DianeC

Oh you mean the father of the vaccine would have cured everyone? Now he’s like Jesus curing lepers?

Jai Seli
Jai Seli
2 years ago

Yo fellow fly-over “Deplorables”/REAL conservatives: Time to “DUMP TRUMP, DRAFT FLYNN”? This growing group of righteously-enraged productives/parenting is much greater than Trump & Co. MAGA -- Make America GRATEFUL/GRACIOUS AGAIN/ALWAYS!  

2 years ago
Reply to  Jai Seli

Federal power is lost to us. There is no voting our way out of this.

Local power. Local politics.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

Meet Your Intelligence Officer -- JEFFREY PRATHER Here is someone getting people to organize on the state and local level nationwide. Something that will keep a man in everlasting ignorance, contempt prior to investigation.

a different wes
a different wes
2 years ago

Not going to comment on Trump one way or the other.
That out of the way, so many of you are stomping your feet, waving your arms and shouting, (loosely paraphrased) “There is no voting our/your way out of this”, “No one is coming to save you/us, there is only one solution”, “No one is willing to do what needs to be done.”, “There is only one way out of this.”, “Everyone wants an easy button”, “Let’s kick this thing off before I get any older.”
Yet I don’t see any of those ginning up the ‘one and only solution’ grabbing the ball and running with it, everyone seems to be waiting for someone else to step off the porch and start the bloodbath. Where are all of you who for so long have shouted “be your own leader” and why aren’t you taking action? Who or what are you waiting for?
Also, I have yet to see, since way back in the early days of WRSA comments, anyone discuss what happens after CWII is won and done (lots of hopesium in that).
Just a few of the many things I ponder once the blood letting orgy and settling of grievances is done…
What or who controls our vast military arsenal and all the lethal toys and men therein?
What or who keeps our borders secure?
What or who makes sure that critical things keep working. As an example, it sure would be hell for all the nuclear energy plants to go critical for lack of trained operators and continuous shore power. You ever take a gander at how much of the country would become uninhabitable if they all went Chernobyl.
What or who maintains critical infrastructure? We seem to have had quite a few bridge and dam failures (or at least partial failures) over the years. Expand this list to all the other critical infrastructure.
What or who pays for any of the above (and lots of other points of consideration) to happen? Because a lot of the more vocal ones hyping violent actions don’t want any taxes.
Without some serious discussion of what is going to happen, when it is going to happen, what will transpire afterwards and how it is going to be directed/managed and/or financed starting CWII is a non starter for me unless it comes to my doorstep.
Also, I’m sorry, but without a definite call to action and response by millions of us/you, any individual that steps off the porch right now is going to die a worthless death. My death needs to be more than a futile action, especially when I have people who depend on me, my knowledge and skills and resources to carry them through.
A different Wes, wtdb

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
2 years ago

We are under the control of lying, incompetant thieves, just like a pack of thugs/gang holding a neighborhood hostage. Once you kill the gang off, the good people rise up and take control of repairing what needs fixing. History bears this out, over and over for millenia.
People are fearful of the thugs, but once you eliminate that threat, even the meek sheep return to normal.
Stop fretting th small shit. There are a lot of good people out there, they just don’t have the balls to fight back, which is where the sheep dogs come into play. And I don’t understand where all the sheep dogs are today, working as contractors still? That’s what boggles my mind.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

I agree we have had our disagreements in the past, I am not seeking enemy’s I am looking for like-minded people. We have to start somewhere, leaders will appear if we do, as you have stated.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Until this thing blows up completely, and there’s no other options, people won’t organize. They’re not under enough duress yet, but as I’ve said for a long time now, wait until the big bang, and then see who arises from the ashes, that’s when you pick your teams. The majority out there today are just fair weather warriors, they won’t show up when needed.
This nation desperately needs a warrior leader, not another TV show host. And then, give no quarter to the traitors. Sorta like cancer surgery.

2 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

Once things blow up, it’s too late to organize. Our enemy has been organizing for decades, some would say centuries.
Once things blow up, it’s too late to organize. Our enemy has been organizing for decades, some would say centuries. Things blowing up is their end game, which will quickly lead to the end of our ability to organize anything other than chess matches by Morse code while serving life in solitary confinement.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zorost
a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

Because we already exist in a digital prison?
This will crash regardless, it does not need our help.

2 years ago

Why would it crash? I see no evidence that we are near a crash, and I’ve read a lot about civilizational collapse. The USSR had a much worse start than our Bolsheviks, and they managed to last ~75 years. Furthermore, they didn’t collapse. They allowed ethnic republics to break off, then did a shuffle of who was in charge and a slight change in governing system.

Rome didn’t collapse either. Parts broke off under regional overlords. How do you feel about your governor becoming your Duke? Or your local city mayor becoming your Count?

Short of a black swan event like a solar flare or Yellowstone eruption there is no situation where people are left standing around debating what the new system is going to be like. And in that situation, there won’t be much in the way of government anyway.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

I think you believe “they” possess more intelligence and bravery than they really do .

2 years ago

Let me propose a simple answer to most of your concerns. When we win, it is with the clear understanding that the Constitution and Bill of Rights, as originally written and with the clear guidance of the supportive writings of the founding fathers, be immediately established once again as the law of the land. And make no mistake, the supreme court was never intended or declared by the founding fathers to be the law of the land. Their job is to see that the Constitution is upheld in all matters that come before them.

2 years ago

You mean the Constitution that allowed things to get to where they are now? Paper and ink isn’t magic.

The people that control things now do so largely due to money. Make righteous pronouncements about SCOTUS upholding the Constitution all you want, but when the president is offered $10m to nominate a justice and Congress confirms because 50% +1 got $10k to do so, that justice is voting how the rich guy with photos of the justice diddling kiddies wants him to vote.

There are many flaws in the Constitution which should be corrected before we pretend it is a magic bullet to be applied after some other magic bullet negates the current Constitution we live under.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

There is a fundamental flaw in your reasoning; that the Constitution allowed things to get where they are. The people who violated their oath to uphold and defend the Constitution are the reason things are as they are. Your example of an elected official taking bribes is a perfect example.

The Constitution is certainly no magic bullet. And it is certainly flawed, since it was created by flawed beings. A committee of them, no less. But I know of no other man-made document designed to establish a system of government in the history of the world that is superior; however, I’m not the preeminent expert. I’m absolutely teachable about this.

2 years ago

The people who violated their oath to uphold and defend the Constitution are the reason things are as they are.”

Being able to do that is a flaw in the system. The Constitution was supposed to guard against that through checks and balances. The fact that almost immediately the statists were able to begin pushing the dial towards ‘tyranny’ is an indication that the Constitution needs some major adjustments, if not thrown out. Marbury v. Madison, institution of a federal reserve x2, commerce clause, supremacy clause, etc.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
2 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

I’ve offered “Hologram of Liberty” by Ken Royce to many people, they don’t want to read it, completely destroys their illusion of our heavenly form of gov’t. The level of denial by supposedly intelligent people is staggering.
Living a lie is the easy way out.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

It has already arrived at your doorstep! The slow certain death they have planned for us will be realized if we do not begin to organize that is the reality of our situation. Why don’t you step off the porch and try to find 2,3,4 people or more and start training and arming up, like has been said if everyone in every city did this across the nation we might have a chance, what have you got to lose but your life if you don’t.

2 years ago

Great points.
Everyone fantasizes they are going to march on DC and make Ron Paul the president, or something equally foolish. They never ask, ‘then what happens?’ The same voters that allowed this to happen will still be voting under the new system. The Big Money that calls the shots now will still be Big Money then.

These people need to read some history, in particular about Sulla. He got himself declared Dictator of the Roman Republic to cure many of the same ills we have today. He purged the shitbag liberals and hippies of the day, annihilating whole houses of patrician families that went astray. Then famously retired to his farm so that the Republic could resume as a free state. Within a few decades everything was back to normal, because he only killed people. He didn’t change the system that created and selected for such creatures.

Something similar happened in the Irish CW in the early 20th century. A tiny group of revolutionaries fought the Brits, going through great hardship. Eventually the limeys offered a compromise, and it was put to a vote to the people. Whether they should continue fighting to overcome centuries of misrule and get their own united Ireland, or compromise by still being part of the British Commonwealth with N Ireland splitting off. The tiny % that had been fighting voted to continue fighting, while the large % that hadn’t been fighting voted to continue not fighting because screw it, those potatoes aren’t going to plant themselves.

Moral of the story: people get the democracy they deserve. If we have the same people then as now, we are going to get the same democracy then as now.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
2 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

I’ve argued this point for yrs now. We have CW2, folks go right back to voting the same thieves back into office as before, it’s all they know how to do. Thinking outside the box and making some changes to a flawed system is outside their power of reasoning. This groupie mentality is just insane.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago


2 years ago

Trump was a Trojan horse sent in to quiet the natives when it became obvious that a real movement toward reform might be taking hold. He was a bone thrown to the dogs to keep us occupied and hopeful that real change might be in the offing. Too many took the bait, and it bought another four years for the real powers to cement their plans.
The question “Did he do some good things?” is just as much a red herring as he is. What he did not do is “drain the swamp”, “lock her up”, or anything else of substance. It became apparent early on who he really was. He surrounded himself with the very swamp creatures he said he was going to rid DC of, and when they were replaced, the replacements were more swamp creatures. I think the appropriate term would be “controlled opposition.” Our enemies hold, completely and forcefully, the mechanisms by which our supposed representatives are installed into office. And “nothing in politics happens by accident.:” We won’t vote our way out of this. Accept that, and you can get on with something more effective.
I see quite a bit of hand wringing over the fact that “nobody will do anything. Someone should do something. Why aren’t the rest of you willing to do something?”
I think there might be a substantial cohort of readers here that actually are very willing. But to reveal online what that “something” might be (in any practical, detailed manner) is to immediately put oneself in the crosshairs of our enemies. And the fibbies have become rather good at infiltration and provocation, so to join oneself to anyone else that you don’t have a long history with is equally risky. So let’s do away with the time waster of wishing someone else would do something, and get creative about how we can actually communicate and organize with each other and not get our doors kicked in in the middle of the night based on some imagined offense. Communicate safely first. Then organize. Has to be in that order. (And yes, that IS why the first amendment is first. If you can’t speak freely, the rest of the Bill of Rights becomes moot.)
So now, what we need is ideas about how to communicate freely. How do we even start?

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
2 years ago

^Bingo^ 100%
He was installed to buy time, distract and lead astray. Nothing more. Not 1 promise kept, slithered out the exit door, and the dumbmasses adore him. WTF???

2 years ago

I’d quibble a bit, that Trump was probably a bid by a minor faction within the deep state jockeying for position, but whether he was or wasn’t doesn’t change you being correct about most of the stuff that matters.

My major disagreement is the implication that we need to organize to do things that can’t be talked about safely. Such things rarely work without a set of pre-requisites that America doesn’t have: safe space next door to retreat to, foreign intervention, government constrained by morality to not genocide vast swathes of countryside, etc.

What we need to do is get local and state political power, and other kinds of power. Combine those different types of power in order to be able to fend off federal overreach by any necessary means.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
2 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

Good point on the local, but most folks still believe the Fed is their god, I know County Sheriff’s who suck up to the FedGov alphabet boys, they don’t seem to realize they are the ones in control at the state and county level.And no matter how much you try to educate, the bubbas always fall back to their default position, Fed good!
The key question; how do you educate the masses they’ve been lied to their whole lives???

2 years ago

BTW, thought the article was well written, and communicated many of my own thoughts clearly. Thank you.

2 years ago

I think you jumped too hard Wes. Way too hard though much of this is true. Trump’s greatest legacy will likely be that HE is the predicate for completely exposing the neo-marxist/s including serpents McConnell and McCarthy et al. So panicked were the Decpticons and marxists that they had to come after Trump so hard for completely exposing them they left the safe open for all to see (were capable to see) including the normies. Do you actually believe they’d have been exxposed to the extreme extent they are if The Cuhndt had been elected? Dept. of Just-Us and their armed Jackboot proxy fbi, the plethora of “intel” agencies and many more?
The blind following of Trump is in fact dangerous. One facet of this is he seems to never learn from mistakes which I was willing to forgive in that he himself had no idea how thoroughly corrupt dotGov had become and remains, nor did I. But He continues to endorse those he knows little about, yet no one seems to know who those like Herschel Walker; Abbott here in Texas (a complete Fraud who’s about to dupe the Fox/Hannity normie dopes again); Harriet Hageman; who had been and might again befriend Liz Cheney, Wray (WRAY!), Kemp, Purdue, Loeffler. How many like them have stabbed him, us really, in the back? Recently he endorsed Alaska Gov. Dunleavy, without even knowing if he (Dunleavy) will support Murkowski or not. But in the end who do we have to run against the marxist serpent? DeSantis has been extremely effective in FL., but is he a true knife fighter? Past all this, how many in this Country even realize that the Founders declared independence and went to war for FAR LESS than the usurpations foisted against the Heartland over the past decades. None of it will end well.

NC Rob
NC Rob
2 years ago
Reply to  60gunnuh

Trump completely exposed them? You really had no idea until he was elected? Seriously?

Last edited 2 years ago by NC Rob
2 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

“Completely exposed” still means maybe 1/2 the people see it. The rest won’t until Breitbart/ CNN tell them to see it.

Trump did a fantastic job of bringing a lot of that out in the open, but I still don’t think he was ever on our side. I think it’s most likely that he was the front man for a deep state faction jockeying for position as we approach the end game. The other faction(s) reacted so harshly because they saw him as a real threat; an insider is often the greatest threat an organization faces. It wasn’t a case of ‘heads we win, tails you lose’ as with most elections, their faction(s) actually would have been screwed by Trump’s faction.

2 years ago

I have voted in every national and local election for 35 years.
Living in TN with decent voting laws I will vote for local elections.
I will not vote in, and legitimize, national elections unless/until state and federal Constitutional laws return and are enforced. (Not holding my breath to vote here). Why bother? Why grant legitimacy?
The federal government in it’s entirety sits in power due to fraud and the blatant in your face stolen election in 2020. There is no part of the federal government that is not illegitimate due to its unconstitutional presence.
Get it through your head people -- DC is full of enemies of Real Trad Heritage America. No government that is NOT full of traitors could consider those that actually ARE Real Trad Heritage Americans the enemy. And the RINOS consider you the enemy too -- they are making no stand whatsoever for you/us/Heritage America. How many have come to the aid of the J6 political prisoners? Gaetz and Green as far as I can tell are it. That makes 2 out of 535.
Get that? DC IS the problem and Trump the chump can’t change that. Not even if he returns to DC.
The person responsible for illegitimate government waging war against us (and they are) and the theft of the 2020 election? Trump.
The most critical part of the color revolution Marxist coup was Trump not having the intelligence or stones to invoke the Insurrection Act and remove and try all the traitors to the republic from oligarchs down to the mules that handled the 65 million + fraudulent ‘ballots’.
And save your ‘the deep state wouldn’t let him’ pathetic excuse.
Milley didn’t want to do his job? ‘You’re fired’. And keep on doing that until you get people in the chair in front of you that will fulfill their oaths of office. He may have had to do it a dozen times to get to people like Lt. Col. Scheller. But he should have shit canned people until he got to actual oath keepers.
He didn’t save us then. He can’t/won’t save us now. Operation Warp Speed’s are for destruction not salvation. That’s the proven truth.
We are where we are because Trump is not the man needed for the job.
At best he was incompetent and in over his head at the worst possible time for Real Trad Heritage America.
At worst he was a controlled opposition Pied Piper.
Either way it does not matter.
Lead. Follow. Or get out of the way.
It’s time for Trump to sit down and stfu. Because he can’t do the first two. It too has been proven.
Oh, and by the way…the corruption and rot are too deep to save this charade. The system IS the problem. It is illogical to assume the problem could fix itself if it wanted to and it clearly doesn’t want to.
Vote MOAR is for the insane -- those that keep doing the same thing expecting different results. But keep on polishing that turd, there must be shine in there somewhere…right!?
Praying for peaceful divorce.
Preparing for the defensive fight to the door to get out if needed.

2 years ago
Reply to  Adino

Just wanted to clarify the @rant was in no way intended for the like minded.
Sometimes I get on that soapbox and it just flows. I gets it on.

2 years ago
Reply to  Adino

Trump could have so easily crossed the Rubicon. If he’d brought a group of a few hundred SF into a room in early January and said, “here’s a list of names I want dead, and here is a stack of pre-signed presidential pardons” it would have resulted in loud cheers from the SF and from most of America. Almost all of real America, by definition.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
2 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

OK, Skorzeny.

June J
June J
2 years ago

I’m with you Wes. I am completely over Trump, exposed for the phony deep state operative that he is. Add me to the growing list who will not vote for him again, sitting out the election if necessary.
Long ago, this government stopped abiding by the Constitution I swore an oath to protect and defend. Now, my guiding US historical document is the Declaration of Independence.

2 years ago

You’re analysis is painfully correct. There is much evidence to corroborate your conclusions. Here is a bit more…
The deep-state and the black-bag boys and dirty tricks artists who work for them, don’t like loose ends. When they rig a poker game, they want it to stay rigged. Yet, like cockroaches, these operatives do not like being revealed in the light of day -- so they do their work indirectly… meaning through intermediaries, cutouts and other methods. That preserves their deniability, too, another benefit for them.
One of the reasons the ruling class has fought to make independent political third-parties (4th, 5th, etc.) difficult to stand up is that a two-party bicameral system is an ideal one for exercising control fraud. We see that in today’s permanent political structure in Washington, D.C. Although there are two factions or wings to the Uni-Party ruling class, it is effectively a controlled operation no matter which side you choose -- D or R.
The rise of independent political parties and/or candidates -- whether from the right or left -- is a clear and present danger to this control. Witness the hatchet job done on Bernie Sanders by the Democrat deep-state. Hillary Clinton had been chosen by the machine, but the voters thought otherwise, so HRC and the DNC cheated in order to get her name on the ballot.
What is the fall-back position if the chosen candidate/party doesn’t get elected? One tactic is to make sure that the “opposition” candidate is one of your own, i.e., using controlled opposition.
Well-respected analyst Brandon Smith has written extensively at, his website, on the evidence that Donald Trump is controlled opposition, and has been from the start. Smith wrote as long ago as 2016 that Trump had been hired by the globalists to be their man in the GOP. What was Trump’s brief? To serve as a convenient scapegoat for the planned collapse of the U.S. economy and the USD. These actions, though orchestrated by the globalists, needed to be pinned on someone and something else,namely conservative/traditional Americans.
There have been many “tells” -- clues -- that DJT was/is controlled opposition, but perhaps one of the biggest has been his from-the-start support of the SARS-Co19 program, especially the so-called “vaccines.” It beggars imagination to believe that Trump did not know what he was doing.
Whether Trump was controlled opposition or not, one thing is clear: He wasn’t and isn’t going to be the answer going forward. He had his chance and when the stakes were at their very highest, he failed. He failed to stop the Great Reset, he failed to purge communists from the upper reaches of the armed forces, and he failed to stop the coup conducted to steal the last election.

2 years ago
Reply to  Georgiaboy61

In case you need another study about the system being fixed:

“Professors Martin Gilens (Princeton University) and Benjamin I. Page (Northwestern University) looked at more than 20 years worth of data to answer a simple question: Does the government represent the people?

Their study took data from nearly 2000 public opinion surveys and compared it to the policies that ended up becoming law. In other words, they compared what the public wanted to what the government actually did. What they found was extremely unsettling: The opinions of 90% of Americans have essentially no impact at all.”

Jeanne Z
Jeanne Z
2 years ago

Excellent article, Wes! It was posted on
I couldn’t agree with you more! Thank you for having the courage and fidelity to God to say these things.

2 years ago

Late to the party I see. Trump did one thing: he caused the Star Chamber, aka the spooks and letter agencies that are running things behind the curtain to reveal themselves. Having done so, it’s easy to see their influence back through at least the first Bush administration through to today. That happened, because while Trump is one of the “elites” (and I say that word with derision) he was not one of their club and they hated them for that.

brian donley kozak
brian donley kozak
2 years ago

stupid is as stupid wrights

2 years ago

A great article, the comparison to a scorned/ scammed lover is very apt.

I disagree with a technical detail though. If HRC had been elected we’d be well on our way to being Mordor-Americans by now. When you say:

“Quit looking for Trump to do it for you. Only We the People can save us from this evil.”

you are really saying that instead of worshipping Trump in the hopes that something happens, you are worshipping the masses in the hopes that someone, anyone, steps up and makes something happen.

Unfortunately, that is not how revolutions actually work. It is extremely rare in history for a mass of people to suddenly chimp out, and I can’t think of a single instance where it worked out. Either they ended up getting trampled into the ground by heavily armed knights or providing shade and ambience along the Appian Way.

I know it makes for a great fantasy that everyone will suddenly all together decide to shoot the mailman and become ‘ungovernable.’ But we’ll be praying for that to happen right up to the point where we are all chipped and eating bugs. I’m sure at that lots of people will be pounding their chest and going, “not me I’m a total BADASS oorah I was sarge masterchief colonel and I’m totally going to fill my yard with blue helmets 56th of the 59th brigade son!”

And maybe you will. But probably not, and definitely not in any way that will actually bring about victory. Which is part of the reason people don’t do that; they know it’s doomed to failure so maybe just going along to get along this one more time will lead to someone else stepping up. “Better to die on your feet than live on your knees” has a great ring to it, but history’s ratio of slaves to martyrs shows which is more likely.

There is no mathematical formula for calculating when people will have ‘had enough.’ The people in the Holodomor didn’t revolt, they starved in place. Because that is what you do when things get that bad that fast. Poor people in the Great Depression didn’t revolt even though some starved to death, and many children suffered developmental problems from malnutrition (look up the reason behind food stamps.) Because when a potential leader tried to rise up by telling them the truth about what was being done, they were assassinated or silenced (Huey Long, Father Coughlin.) That shows you what they are really scared of, leadership.

What would work is getting state and local power. Not just political, but also people power. Support networks. State-funded militias. Nat Guard with patriotic officers who know whose side they are really on. Even some in power are already starting to think this way:

Last edited 2 years ago by Zorost
tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

Good points, as the constitution states whatever powers not given to the federal government fall to the states. In talking about changing our constitution we need only one new amendment, that is no laws or treaties shall be submitted or passed that do not adhere to the constitution period. The original intent gave very limited power to the federal government.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

We are now at the point the Gov’t had a death grip on their control over us, there is no chance in hell of passing 1 single law working in our favor. Zorost is right about local, but we still have to deal with the illiterate ignorance of the voting masses. Their stubbonrness at being educated is what keeps us from achieving any victory. They refuse to budge from playing the same game their parents played, vote and hope.

2 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

I hate to sound like an elitist liberal, but there is no hope in educating the masses about technical issues like that. Many people either are incapable of knowing or are incapable of caring. That is just the way it is.

Historically, our best bet is we offer them a chicken in every pot and a few other slogans about things that they want. Then we get shit done our way, while delivering enough of what we promised to stay in power.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
2 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

Most successful politicians have learned that, Psych 101, appeal to their basic wants and then do what you want. They stay in office for decades. Snd the masses never figure it out.

2 years ago

Yep, problem is there are no Godly leaders that I have seen

2 years ago

Amen! My husband and I have been saying the same. However, the Trump cult runs deep! I loved this article, should be sent to EVERYONE.

2 years ago

Wow! Tell me how you really feel about Trump?! Whatever dude! We know he’s NOT a Savior; but You’re not our Savior either!

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
2 years ago
Reply to  Martha

Playing groupie to a carnival barker is what got us into this mess, and now you gloat over it? I’m just hoping you took the vax too.