Trump Survives Because American People Don’t Demand Integrity, NY Times Says

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5 years ago

Consider the source!!!

Sayedna Gregori
Sayedna Gregori
5 years ago

As far as I am concerned, President Trump has far more integrity than all of the members of Congress put together. He may not be a polished speaker and he may be a bit crude around the edges, but he gets things done. He says what he means and means what he says. If all of the past presidents, following Lincoln, had even 1/4 of the integrity and honesty of President Trump, the U.S. would not be in the moral, ethical and spiritual mess it is today. This is why Trump survives.

5 years ago

Integrity? INTEGRITY??????

This is like being lectured about chastity, fidelity, and modesty by a pron star between takes on a gang-bang vid.