Trump: We were right about the Wuhan lab

But you were wrong about the vaccine. And I suspect many in this room did not get vaccinated as he stated.

David DeGerolamo

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3 years ago

He had all the resources to address the issue and did nothing but let Fauci sit there and lie the whole time. Then all the while allowed safe cures for the COVID while pushing gene therapy and paying big pharma off.

Rambling clown. This fool took a lot of people for a ride and they are still on the Trump train.

What do you call someone that pushes something that is marketed as the mark of the beast?

Last edited 3 years ago by tangle
3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

Spot on, tangle. I know some of the Trumpsters who still carry his water after all that has gone down. I watched a few minutes of his bloviating speech in NC. Nothing has changed with this narcissist. “I did this; I did that.”
He needs to go away and go away now. No more of the BS dialectic. And, who cares who he is endorsing for various offices.

3 years ago

The non-vaccine has proven more dangerous than the ‘virus’ and the ‘bioweapon’ appears not much more than the seasonal flu. Trump claims to have saved millions with THE vaccine. Which one? Pfizer? J&J? AstraZeneca? The Russians have one, too. But, but, but. The flu disappeared last year. Everyone died of Covid which was only lethal to the aged and those with co-morbidities (same as the seasonal flu). Many died with Covid, not of Covid. Lethality less than a fraction of a percent, and then there were cures … Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, and the immune system of those with adequate levels of vitamin D and zinc. Fraudulent reporting and testing. Pardon me while I point out the contradictions. Trump ‘saved’ millions with a ‘vaccine’ that many virologists are concerned was designed for population reduction. Who to trust? NO ONE IN AUTHORITY. I have come to agree with many of the posts I read here and elsewhere. No one is coming to save us. I do not trust DJT. Hope I’m proven wrong. I’ll take my crow with ketchup.

3 years ago

Being “right” about the Wuhan lab doesn’t excuse all of the wrongs that Trump created — Especially the enormous failure to meet the communists’ coup head-on with military involvement after the election.

a follower
a follower
3 years ago

Trump -- Calling himself the “father of the vaccine” takes the cake. And many are still riding the train!

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
3 years ago

From here on out, assume nothing and question everything. The vaccine, a mere experimental protocol, is a toxin. The way it “teaches” your cells to arm with antibodies is highly suspect. At the very least, wait six to nine months before considering it. The moths who flew immediately into the bonfire will have developed serious issues by then. I pray for them—they have put their lives and families at risk. Death and suffering may very well be their consequences. But then, that is the plan. If you really want to protect yourselves…buy ammo.


[…] string you along by your noses every which way, by whatever narrative suits them. But, but… Trump was right about the Wuhan Lab, but wrong about the vaccine! That is some serious cognitive dissonance crap right there, which has been the whole point in this […]

3 years ago

Why was the study and distribution of this virus not done in our labs in the USA? Why did we fund, but use China labs? Something doesn’t sit right here. I believe DJT is a ‘controlled operative’. He talks alot about other things. He hasn’t explained to any of us why he didn’t or couldn’t use the insurrection act.