Trump’s trump card

Trump’s trump card is the Islamic fascism problem which is plaguing the world – whether he is playing to the fears of the American people or merely offering common sense alternatives to our current policies (or lack thereof) is a matter of conjecture and politics.

It seems that every time Mr. Trump offers a possible solution to a problem – which apparently no politician can figure out – he is described as a loudmouth who is merely causing more problems. Truth is, most of the problems America has were created in one way or the other by our politicians. Either they passed laws which made life worse for most Americans or they sat on their thumbs and allowed a boil to fester – like the illegal immigration problem, the hellholes that are the inner cities, and the growing Muslim and illegal immigrant problems in the United States.

Islam is an ideology which is disguised in religious garb. Islam is an ideology which has no flexibility, no room for dissent, and zero tolerance for other belief systems. Certainly there are both radical and more moderate Muslims within Islam – but the one thing that they all have in common is a belief in the infallibility of their prophet Muhammad. If one believes in the infallibility of some individual, one is obligated by that view to believe his words – Muhammad’s words convict the religion of Islam and reveal it to be a movement of violent conquest.

Islam is intellectually mired somewhere around the time of the inquisition period. They, like the Old Testament Israelites of 4,000 years ago treat their livestock better than they do their wives and daughters. The reality is that Islam has not changed with the times as has Christianity, Catholicism, and other religions. The practice of banning women from driving an automobile, becoming educated, and forcing them to wear a burka (a black sack with peepholes) reveals the ideology’s refusal to move into the mainstream of modern civilization.

There are more than one billion six-hundred million followers of Islam, making it the second largest religion in the world. By 2050 Muslims will outnumber Christians in all areas of the world but sub-Saharan Africa and will supplant Judaism as the second largest religious group in the United States. Islam has a fertility rate of 3.1 children per family – mere propagation will cause Islam to become the world’s largest religion over time. The majority of Islam, those who are considered moderate, are willing to let time lead to their world domination – the radical element wants the change to come now and for the West to be under the heel of the Muslims.

Certainly most of the moderate Muslims don’t advocate the butchery being practiced by the Jihadists who are involved in the ongoing caliphate. Then again, most Germans didn’t advocate the growth of Nazism, but a minority of their group caused the death of between fifty and seventy million people – more than 50% civilians – and the systematic extermination of six million Jews. After the end of WWII, German civilians who lived near the Auschwitz death camp were forced to tour the facility and help with the removal of the bodies – perhaps if moderate Muslims were forced to see the blood and gore caused by their radical brothers and sisters it would have a sobering and repulsive influence on them.

All the killing of innocent people in this caliphate is performed by young Muslims – armed with that knowledge it seems devoid of logic to allow more of this group into the United States. The political correctness which prohibits America from profiling those within this group already in our country and monitoring their mosques is complete lunacy.

The allure of Donald Trump is that he doesn’t give a damn about being politically correct. The establishment hates and fears him – but they have only themselves to blame for creating the idiotic conditions which allow him to gain widespread appeal. Obama has basically abdicated his responsibilities and the Republicans in congress have made promises they had no intention of keeping – Trump merely stepped into that void of leadership. Whether Trump maintains his appeal is subjective – but a change is coming in America – if not by a drastic change in politics, then it will come from a groundswell of Americans who have had enough and will, at some point, follow Mr. Jefferson’s advice and cause a change in government with blood.

Perhaps, if they want to continue in power it is time for politicians to get their collective heads out of their rectums and bend to the will of the people.

Have a good week. Bill Shuey is a freelance writer from North Carolina.

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9 years ago

A master blogger once told me that every post needs a picture to draw readers in. If you don’t like the one I added, delete it.

9 years ago

Do You Really Believe there are Moderate Muslims? There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim.
The world manufactured the silly notion of two Islams. One that is radical and impossible to live with, and the other moderate and not much different from fellow Americans like you and I. The false narrative distinguishing a difference between “radical” and “moderate” is what facilitated the stupid rumor that Islam had been “hijacked” by the radicals. The implication is that the real Islam is moderate and that the radicalized version of today is a fake.
This is one of the reasons why American and European school students are consistently indoctrinated in the traditions of various aspects of Islam, including sharia law. It has been noted that what is taught to one generation dictates the direction that nation takes in the next. Thus the explanation for the insane for the irrational government decisions throughout both the United States and Europe.
Great Britain and France are besieged daily with brutish Islamic bullies who are zeroed in on a mission of fundamentally changing their nations into typical uncivilized Muslim societies. The horrific murders of unarmed Parisians by Muslims who are emboldened by the west’s silly penchant for trying to make nice with the Islamists who long ago declared war on non-Muslim nations, particularly, the United States.
Most people known as moderate Muslims are those simply waiting until the overall Muslim population is at least around eight percent of the overall population of the country, or city they migrate to. After that they start getting involved politically via the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic organizations and use the judicial system of their chosen nation or city to further the political clout of Muslims at the expense of the native citizens where the immigrated to. Soon after, violent acts begin to occur.
The results of foolishly opening up borders to Islamic invaders are playing out all over the world. Hopefully, before it’s much too late, the wisdom of God will be pursued and utilized so that civilization may prevail so that sovereign nations like the United States will awaken from their stupor and properly seal their borders.
To place the interests of enemies who have warned us about their plans to destroy our republic above our own by letting them stream through our porous border is both dishonorable and traitorous. America is divided between those who desire to stay the course of open borders and endless streams of American hating refugees being let in on one side. On the other is a slightly larger majority who are praying for the restoration of an appreciation for and protection of our beloved republic.
It can start with the sealing of our borders against illegal immigration. It is also imperative that the government or even Americans in general realize that we do not have the time and it is not our responsibility to sort through legions of illegal immigrants who are streaming across our borders to see who is naughty or nice.
Ron Edwards

J Marshalek
J Marshalek
9 years ago

The Jewish people began with Abraham 3600 years ago. And for the first 800 years lived in peace and in times of persecution. Likewise the first 500 years of Christianity lived in times of peace and persecution. These two belief systems were then corrupted by the world. It is this corruption that has caused at times strife and war. So I would suggest that there exist no moral equivalency between the Judeo/Christian faith and Islam. There is no period of “maturing.” There is only faithful and unfaithful generations of believers. Islam began with the sword and will always be a belief system of condemnation.

9 years ago

no such thing as a moderate muslim,its an oxy moron.