“That’s where Trump is now, at age 78, sensing the insufficiency of his first term and wanting to make a real difference the second time around. This time, we do it right.“
From Son of Loki in the comments: If he releases the Epstein files and the JFK reports, that will mean he is serious this time around. I could not agree more. Imagine the sea change in the political mood in the country if the dirty laundry is all aired for everyone to see.
Whether Frank Miele (Real Clear Politics) is correct in his assessment, we will have to wait and see.
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That is what I am trying to do, wait and see. I have commented on some of his administration appointees that go against draining, the sewer we will see, if he is up to it.
I wonder why Trump is silent about the New 527 page House congressional committee propaganda document on COVID? Strange! Trump led Operation Warpspeed. He knows the DOD paid Pfizer to produce a template bioweapon without any liability to Big Pharma. Read Sasha Latypova sub stack.
Maybe because he’s got a lot on his plate and that is something for later?
Or is someone expressing TDS as I notice you often bust on Trump in your comments?
Read what Paul Craig Roberts just wrote.
Nothing new in that report.
So how does that make it so time critical Right Now Action?
Like calling the fire department 3 weeks after the fire.
Enjoyed your view.
I did not vote. I am in appraisal mode.
he may have been the vanguard spox but both of his top advisors lied to him. Deborah Brix has admitted in her book she and the rodent lied to Trump and made up much of the advice and protocols with NO science involved. Six feet apart, bunk, masking, ineffective in the case of viral cells, and of course the disaster that the gene therapy was.
Kal Kal since when did facts get in the way of Feelings?
Have you ever won an argument with a gun grabber intent on “saving the children” while SHES wearing “I Support Abortion Rights” shirt?
The Vaxx damage happened. According to reports and watching Pfizer stock falling the propaganda of “Give it a shot” campaign for more boosters seem to have failed.
More than a few Americans woke up and decided not to trust the Government-Media, and a LOT of them VOTED For Trump BECAUSE of that.
A reckoning is NEEDED but politics is the art of the POSSABLE. Going directly for the Perfect Gold Ring is almost automatic FAILURE.
An awful lot of folks what that Pony NOW… Trump isn’t a Dictator, he has to get his people in place THROUGH a maze of Deep Staters, RINOS and Communists.
Maybe if Kamala PROMISED everybody a Pony, she’d gotten their votes, after all a lot of folks didn’t use that right.
He’s silent because he allowed himself to be duped into the Covid-Hoax in the first place. He listened to the ratfinks who’s agenda was solely to undermine his chances of re-election (and they succeeded BTW). It’s too bad he’s sticking to his guns about the vaccine debacle--but will most likely abandon his position when the ugly truth starts to flow out…. at which point he’s pivot and act to hang-out-to-dry the perps.
Not giving him a pass but I can give him a bit of time on this one. But he needs to.
Another issue to consider, is that Trump’s pick for Commerce Secretary, Howard Lutnick, is poised to further facilitate the now long-standing, commandeered use of the Department of Commerce to engineer the rise of a global financial control system in private hands that runs on dollar-denominated debt wrote Marc Goodwin and Whitney Webb on Unlimited Hangout.
First we have “the war,” and then they we are led by various Pied Pipers into crypto land. I see coming around the bend. The banks are deregulating …the noose tightens around our necks.
Might be true, time will tell. Meanwhile since you have so much research skill you might want to be part of the Republics recovery and tell us and Trump you well researched choices for his cabinet.
Nah. Thanks for your viewpoint?
Is that the same as “Bless your Heart”?
Just checking.
Complaining about things is what you do well, I suggest you exercise you right to send your opinions of what well researched people could help the situation.
But then again you seem PROUD you didn’t exercise the right to vote so…
I am of the opinion that certain items in the JFK files will have to be redacted. When JFK was killed, we had a spy inside the Kremlin, who assured us that the Russians were not involved. As long as he is still alive, his name can’t come out. Same with his family, if they are still inside Russia.
I am shaking my head over his Kristi Noem appointment. And leave Governor DeSantis in Florida, for heaven’s sake! Stand with your DOD pick!
How about that secretary of treasurey? Now we must also remember Trump is playing 4d chess and we are but mortals.
Dweezil understood.
I’d be FAR MORE IMPRESSED If Dweezil posted this comment.
Quite frankly, if trump does nothing more with his political career than deprive that demon Hillary Clinton from the presidency he goes down as a great chief.
Hadn’t thought of it that way.Unfortunately Trump will not make everyone happy.There is to much wrong to right.Somewhere along the line the American people will have to pitch in and help me thinks. Just remember the libs are all ready plotting their next move. Oldbev
Correct! I have been telling anyone that will listen that Trump is not our savior, or that he alone can fix it all. It is the responsibility of American citizens to pitch in.
He best pardon the Jan. 6 prisoners on the 20th or 21st. If not he gots lots of splainin’ to do!