Trust, and Betrayal

As we approach times of extreme danger, many understand it is essential to have a tribe, a group, a “family” of like-minded people that we can trust and rely on. People that have our back, and who’s back we’ll have. People that have skills we need, and need our skills. A group of strong, brave, reliable people that will not cower, will not run, will not flee the foxhole when under fire, and who can absolutely count on us just as much.

Enter the reality of modern day. As wonderful as all this sounds, how many people do you know that actually meet this standard? Twenty? Fifty? Two hundred?

Or can you count them on one hand?

I fall into the last category. I know for a fact that I can trust my wife unconditionally. I know, and have known that God brought my wife and I together for a reason, and I thank Him every day for that gift. I also put my faith and trust in God unconditionally.

In my immediate redoubt, I have exactly two additional people that I trust. Two. Neither of them know who they are, and that is okay, because that’s a burden I don’t wish them to carry. I will have their back, and I truly believe they will have mine when the time comes. In my area, and even beyond, that’s it. Not family, not friends, not other preppers, no one. That doesn’t mean there aren’t people I could rely on, but I don’t know them, or if I do I don’t know them well enough to extend that kind of trust.

So, not including God, there are exactly THREE people I know I can count on to the level needed for TEOTWAWKI. That’s pretty sad.

There used to be more. I used to have a number or people that I believed I could trust. Neighbors, members of an organization I used to participate in. However, one by one, I became aware, either directly or indirectly, that I was wrong. Betrayal is a terrible thing, and is very difficult to get over, if even possible. One day, you think you have a trustworthy friend, who you would fight for, do whatever necessary to defend, only to find out that they have been saying things about you behind your back. Lies. Ugly things. Things you cannot understand, and certainly did not do anything to warrant, but disgraceful things. They do this because this is who they are.


I don’t have a solution for this, folks. I was in a pretty dark place when I wrote this, and understand that my own life expectancy, and that of my family, may be down to weeks, or perhaps months if lucky. I have done everything I know to do to prepare, and I pray to God it is enough. There is no stopping the freight train of evil that is upon us. Those that survive, the Remnant, will live in a glorious and renewed world. We just do the best we can.

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anonomus prime
anonomus prime
2 years ago

You mentioned that you were in a pretty dark place when you wrote this. Well, I can only add that you really don’t know the heart of a person until you have put your life in their hands and that person has endured the pain of not giving it up. This goes for each and every individual we share deep dark knowledge with & it goes for us as well. If you have been to the true bottom of human existence & are still alive, you may come to the conclusion that our only true companion in life is death. Share only that which you would put on the back of a post card. Respect yourself and the other individuals life.

Last edited 2 years ago by anonomus prime
2 years ago

In the good times, when few people in the US actually faced any hardship, few people (military excepted) actually knew their own depth of soul and depth of character. A lot of people did silly things and invented drama to fill their lives. Some of those people will find they are genuinely as shallow as their past actions, others are going to find deeper meanings to life and come to value their own life and the lives of others in a way that never had penetrated their consciousness before.
There may be many more people that we each find to be trustworthy in the hard scenarios ahead. Don’t be too pessimistic about people -- that’s a trap and could become an unnecessary self-fulfilling prophecy.
Good luck All!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

The SNAFU we find ourselves in, it is hard to not become cynical to the point of not hiding out in a cave and saying the hell with everything. But my hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ, I get what your saying about trust it is hard to give it and human nature what it is, is usually betrayed. Our paths may never cross, but may the Lord bless you in all that you do.

2 years ago

You pray to GOD?
Then you must be a Christian and you should understand that GOD is in control. Your destiny is already determined and it is a glorious one. We are challenged by Christ not to be a part of (conformed to) this world. It is a shame what is happening but like Jesus’ crucifixion, it had to happen. The old world must be destroyed.
Don’t focus on the bad that must be endured; focus on the glory that is the result. Christ arose! GOD wins over evil! A new Heaven and a new Earth will be perfect!
There is absolutely nothing to be sad about.Live your life the best you can and know that Christ has your back. You need no one else.

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago
Reply to  Stuart

Throughout history, when the chips were down for God’s people, He “showed out” ( a good thing ). Never forget your first and best weapon is communion with God.

2 years ago

Well stated, Mr. Hammer. And, being Scandinavian/Scottish American, I appreciate the moniker.
We thought we had a “tribe” at church until they all started getting the clot shot…more insipid…many of them are military veterans-wtf??? More insipid…we live in such a desolate area its half an hour to get a gallon of gas and an ice cream bar, sixty miles to a car wash, a hundred miles to a doctor, a new pair of boots and a decent omelet. Excepting the ones we make at home, which are better anyway-farm fresh eggs you know. Its eighty miles just to the county courthouse. I never expected to be this far outside civilization and with so few neighbors and most of the few folks here are as bad as the iphone/dyzknee cruise/still clinging to the pro sports crowd. I trust my wife, about anyone with a BCM sticker on a turbo diesel pickup, and my dobey/shepherds. That’s about it. Besides my Creator and Savior that is. And I haven’t seen a turbo diesel with a BCM sticker on it since we left Idaho…

Ohio Guy
Ohio Guy
2 years ago
Reply to  realwesterner

My ’02 GMC pickup’s got a BCM sticker, unfortunately, it’s not a turbo diesel. You’d think in this day and age, there’d be a way for the good guys to discreetly band together without a three letter entrapment. Have faith I guess. He moves His own His way.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ohio Guy

Amen, brother.

2 years ago

“Wherefore, you must press forward, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men.”
Written by a man who lost his country, had his brothers plot to kill him, led his tribe to freedom and peace while simultaneously preparing them for war while teaching the necessity of caring for one another and trusting in God.

2 years ago

Well, join the club. I have two people I trust, my current wife and a child hood friend, possibly another two. My children and siblings have all turned their back on me, several times. There was no abuse on my part, I am just too different, not normal! I don’t remember the bible verse, but, (a prophet is not with out honor, just not in his own home) I think that is a correct quote.

I read too much, don’t watch TV. I really have nothing in common with normal sheeple. On the other hand there are billions of normal people, they don’t need any more.

I reicently had to give up on a prepper couple, after ten years, they have stalled on the basics, and want to rely on me. The problem is, I am now old and just barely able to take care of the wife and I let alone others. My kids all got the shot and live in LA, Chicago and Anchorage, oh well.

You do have the respect and trust of most of us here, who love NCrenegade!
You are welcome here, in NW Arkansas as well, if things don’t work out over there!

2 years ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

I like NW Arkansas. I had an uncle in Pea Ridge several years ago. Stay safe, brother.

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
2 years ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

We live on the outskirts of NWA over in OK the other side of Siloam Springs. I wish we lived even closer.

2 years ago

I understand what you say. I’m completely alone and old and barely able to walk. The two I absolutely trust each live 1000 + miles away. I have neighbors and folks in the community that can be trusted only until it hits the fan. They’re good people; but I doubt they are brave and willing to die. On the other hand, due to my location and the massive illegal traffic, it may be that when the time comes to face the music many will form some sort of community organization. It is only rumor at this point. All are serious weapons people; and they are tired of being overrun. We’ll see what happens. Meanwhile, I’m on my own for now and fully prepared to go down fighting. If you haven’t resigned yourself to the possibility of pulling the trigger you may be a split second too late. What we are facing is biblical. We are on a collision course with prophesy. Forget about restoring anything. It’s downhill from here on out. No need to go out to make things right. The wrong will come to us.

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
2 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

Eddie, I think you are right.

Thomas Hanna
Thomas Hanna
2 years ago

What is more essential, a tribe or a true knowledge of God?
Sadly, I have read of this happening, in the Bible.
Therefore, I’m comforted.

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Hanna


Last edited 2 years ago by Randolph Scott
2 years ago

Ths is the scariest, creepiest… most haunting thing I have ever read.
Not because of it’s message. Which should be enough.

Because, IT IS ME.
If I could write…this is exactly what I would write.
This is Everything I Think and have try’d to say.

Ohio Guy
Ohio Guy
2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Don’t fear. That’s the first thing you must “get over”. Your mind can be a weapon. Why do you think others are doing everything they can to control it?

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

Excellent article and thank you for the post.
Micha 7:5
Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide: keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom.
Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary
7:1-7 The prophet bemoans himself that he lived among a people ripening apace for ruin, in which many good persons would suffer. Men had no comfort, no satisfaction in their own families or in their nearest relations. Contempt and violation of domestic duties are a sad symptom of universal corruption. Those are never likely to come to good who are undutiful to their parents. The prophet saw no safety or comfort but in looking to the Lord, and waiting on God his salvation. When under trials, we should look continually to our Divine Redeemer, that we may have strength and grace to trust in him, and to be examples to those around us.
King James Bible Jeremiah 9:4
Take ye heed every one of his neighbour, and trust ye not in any brother: for every brother will utterly supplant, and every neighbour will walk with slanders.
Love and pray for all, the best you can as directed by the Holy Spirit within you.

2 years ago

great article and refreshing commentary as of my writing this.

2 years ago

Sir, I hsve ZERO people I can trust. I moved away from people I thought I could trust in 2004. “Christian friends mainly.” I am 450 miles from them! And that is good as one couple seem to be more communist than Christian all others have taken the shots and boosters the are totally in ‘normalcy bias.’ All family have had the shots and boosters, and the relationship with them is definitely strained. One Christian high school classmate ghosted me 2 1/2 years ago when, apparently I suggested her she needed to pray about taking the shot! We didn’t know then one would ” not be enough” I attempted to call for a couple months until I figured out I was ghosted. I then left a message saying if you want to talk you know how to contact me. No response to that voice message since the week before Christmas 2019! 2 1/2 yrs ago. The only person I can trust is the Lord Jesus! I am absolutely dependent on him. And he asked me 3 years ago, out of the blue, IT SEEMED to me at that point. Trump was Pres, I believed he would get re-elected and the Lord said to me out of the blue -- Will you die for me? I think I first said -- WHAT? Then I thought did I just make that up? I didn’t think so, as I was not thinking anything like that before the question! And as I usually do I thought about it, meditated on it for 3 days and I came back and said YES, AND I WILL DIED FOR BABIES who are to be aborted. So here I am, an see that there is a very likely time I may have to die for Jesus -- He has beeb very good to me in my life -- and faithful beyond comprehension. SELAH! MARANANTHA!

robehr orinsky
robehr orinsky
2 years ago

Do not be dismayed ! It is all proceeding according to His glorious plan . America has to fall before the anti-Christ takes over but there is a remnant . Americas’ cup of abominations is full and now she must drink of the cup of trembling . Organize the remnant in your AO . Resist . Prepare . Do not drink of the cup of strong delusion that is being poured out . A man can’t have a baby . Daniel stated that ” his desire shall not be toward women” speaking of the soon coming antiChrist. Now you understand what the globohomo/transgender delusion is about and it is preparing the way for him to take over the world . But we , the people of G-d , are to resist and fight . We will lose some battles and win some but still we must resist and fight . Better to die as a man then to live on your knees !

enn ess
enn ess
2 years ago

In the trust dept. trust you inner sense, or trust your gut instinct. This actually takes practice and that practice is best accrued over many years from childhood. I’ve spent the majority of my life trying to perfect it. Most likely my bullshit-o-meter has been pegged out for the last 30 years.
You know who is worthy of your friendship when you don’t have to work at it, it is just there. You pick up conversations after a year to even longer of absence right where you left off as if it was simply the next day. You know who your trusted friends are when you ask for help and they reply -- “Do I Need A Shovel”.