Trust the Science?

Fake Alzheimer’s Science

The latest scientific scandal isn’t even remotely surprising. Most science – yes, MOST science – is fraudulent. And we’re not talking about obviously fake science like vaccines, psychiatry, and evolutionary biology, we’re talking about gold-standard, peer-reviewed studies published in well-respected science journals that are landmark studies that serve as the basis for the present scientific consensus in the relevant field:

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1 month ago

I would caution listing Psychiatry as “fake science” in its entirety. What must be understood is that mental issues/problems are multidimensional. Sadly Pharma has corrupted this by seeking to establish the atheist/materialist view that we are nothing but electrochemical computers. 40 years ago the paradigm was the “bio-psycho-social model” -- meaning that there are biological factors, psychological factors, and social factors. I add the 4th dimension, the moral/spiritual factors. But Pharma makes money from selling chemicals, which meshes beautifully with the atheistic perspective! Focus on “brain” (the physical organ through which your immaterial mind/soul interface with the physical/material world) is reductionistic and ultimately degrading to man who bears the image of God.

I would also add a comment to the Voxday article: he seems not to truly appreciate the concept of SIN. We are ALL spiritually estranged from God from birth. Atheism is simply a cognitive (thought) response to our sin and rebellion from God! We must be reconciled through the only Mediator between God and man -- the God-Man Christ Jesus (Heb 2:17, 1Tim 2:5-6). Mental illness (as well as our NORMAL emotional pain & struggles) can ONLY be properly understood with a correct (Biblical!) understanding of man. It is rare in my profession, but there are a few of us that “get it”. Worldview MATTERS!

For any who are not reconciled to God, consider carefully the claims of Christ. There is NOTHING more important!

Last edited 1 month ago by ApoloDoc