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FedGov issues request for proposal to build solar electric chairs in all 57 states !



Spain extends communist policies of “spread the pain” by taxing private solar electric generation (or levying fines for non compliance) after heavy subsidization of home  installations … screwing equally the citizens who were taxed to fund the subsidy and now the beneficiaries of the subsidy:

(Reuters) – Two weeks after Spain’s government slapped a series of levies on green energy, Inaki Alonso hired two workmen to remove the solar panels he had put on his roof only six months earlier.

Alonso, an architect who specializes in ecological projects, calculated the cost of generating his own power under a new energy law and decided the numbers no longer added up.

Neither was it possible to leave the panels on his Madrid home without connecting them to the electricity grid; that would have risked an astronomical fine of between 6 million and 30 million euros ($8 million-$40 million).

“The new law makes it unviable to produce my own clean energy,” Alonso said.

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