Try This Apple Message Yourself

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2 hours ago

Apple should be sued by the Trump administration to the tunes of billions of dollars and with the possibility of them losing their license to sell any phones ever again, and their company being sold off to a new investor. that sodomite pig who runs that company is a satanic pervert, slob, whore and a Chi Com agent for the red commies.

Mary Combs
Mary Combs
2 hours ago

Not a good look for Apple -- this will go viral. That video playing in a loop at one of the government buildings (Trump +Elon) will get someone jailed. Some techie thought it would be funny, but that person would, and should, be made an extreme example. If there was more than one involved or in the know before it was posted, there will be conspiracy charges too -- so it will probably inch up into felony level.

The other Joe Blow
The other Joe Blow
21 minutes ago

Worked on mine. I think the 6 year old phone is due for some target practice.