
Biden’s open border policy is the gift that keeps on giving.

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Green Hornet
Green Hornet
2 months ago

I live in Johnson Co. 70 odd cases in a population of nearly a million people is not a crisis.
I read the uk article and then the comments…the ignorance and elitism of people is astounding. A reasonable person would have better luck arguing with a television set than most of the commenter’s on that site.

Biden, and corporate greed, brought those infected people here to work. I’m sure we aren’t the only “hotspot” for 3rd world infectious outbreaks.

2 months ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

TB is an ancient disease--an historical scourge afflicting humanity. Its presence in Johnson Co of 70/1M is (IMO) a real measure of the public health of a community. Not a good score!
Like leprosy, TB is not to be taken for granted, even in small numbers. The lack of screening of those illegals who were apprehended by CBP is a disaster in the making. And, need I say, that the “gotaways” didn’t stop for screening either!
Put another way, do we--in the spirit of multiculturalism--enjoy knowing that our schoolchildren may be sitting in a classroom for 8 hours a day, exchanging air & body fluids (as kids will do) with TB carriers?
And, many of these TB cases are “MDR” TB cases (multi-drug resistant).

2 months ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

Word. I had to have at least four TB tests when I worked as a rookie Jailer Deputy for a Sheriff’s Department in SoCal. All of the TB-infected inmates I dealt with were Mexican Wetbacks. This was from 1972 through 1974. Res ipsa loquitur.

Latigo Morgan
Latigo Morgan
2 months ago

I was warning about it in 2001 when I’d go for walks near the border where I lived and find medicine packs in Spanish. I took one home and looked it up, and it was medicine for TB. Another time, I came across a wetback sitting on the side of the trail hacking his lungs out. I had my kids with me and he started to approach me and I turned so he could see the pistol on my belt and he backed away. I was not going to expose my kids to whatever he was hacking up from his lungs.
When I posted that on the FREEPER website and said GW had the border wide open, and unvetted, diseased people were coming across, I was banned.

1 month ago

search “texas cattle and tb,” tb in Texas and daily around the US has been a huge concern. Ilegals work at the farms and cross infect the cattle. Once a state has lost their certification, they cannot export their cattle. I listened to the inspectors talking about it.

1 month ago

TB can become drug resistant, once that occurs only specific drugs can be given and must be given daily at specific times. Also with the long incubation time, many people can be infected. search Drug Resistant Tuberculosis this was too long to include here
I also know some of the midwest hospitals including Indian are being over run with illegals with disease including TB, most providers are not aware of like dengue fever. I did handouts for one of the state patrol. I am VERY CONCERNED about these diseases as given the lowered immune status of covid vaxed persons, they are more suspectible. We in the US are in a vulnerable population.