Tucker Carlson 3/15/22

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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

They absolutely know the sheeple will not rise up, the suicide shot is working on a majority of the sheep. The rest of the sheep have been designated as terrorists, they can raid and arrest at their leisure. Our mobility has been removed, food will now soon be rationed. The mass murderers have accomplished almost all of their agenda without any resistance at all.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley
Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

No one wants to do anything. I hear it all the time. An old time song came to mind. Some of the words are as follows. You gotta walk that lonesome valley. You gotta walk it by yourself. Nobody can walk that valley for you. You gotta walk it by yourself.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

Way Down in The Hole -- Blind Boys of Alabama -- Bing video pretty close to what we are going through.

2 years ago

The death of the petro dollar would be a tremendous blow against tyranny. The ramifications to the average American would be devastating but long term it would be a bonus. Honest money is necessary for honest government.

enn ess
enn ess
2 years ago

It is very fast approaching the time when enough people have awakened strong arm tactics that the only thing the gommermints have left is the use of force. They will not hesitate to use that force to maintain control. The biggest problem is there is a huge amount of peace loving people out here In the real world that simply want to be left alone. When gommermints start with the force edict those that want to be left alone will have their lives taken from them, they will have noting left to lose, they WILL reply to force with force. They have declared there is no other game. You can take my life, I can take your life. You want to play -- let’s play!
My game is 100 million separate guerrilla wars. What’s yours?
And your traditional forces thought Afghanistan was difficult. And who is STILL in charge in Afghanistan? And who won the Vietnam conflict? And who won virtually every single guerrilla conflict since the beginning of time? Some guerrilla forces throughout time have succumbed, true enough. But they are still alive and well, working in the background. True guerrilla forces are very much like the Muslim/Christian conflict, their battle covers an expanse of 1,000 years. Muslims and Christians have been at it since the beginning of the 13th century. Play the long game.
When the governed become ungovernable. Be the Cat.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
2 years ago

Democrats and Republican are all bought pull pushing parasites and moochers. There is no difference between them. They would sell their children into slavery for 30 shekels. Who is John Galt? TEXIT!