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- phil1350 on Go Ahead Canada, Make Our Day
- Swrichmond on It’s Time to Start Pulling Network Licenses
- Bad_Brad on Go Ahead Canada, Make Our Day
- Mike in Canada on Go Ahead Canada, Make Our Day
- Arch Stanton on It’s Time to Start Pulling Network Licenses
Republicans have the potential to be just as if not more so dangerous after all of this rubbish we are living through.
Strong links between Republican probably Rinos and old Nazi stuff
The push now to dis-arm us is on, the uniparty is all in. They have made it clear that law abiding gun owners are the enemy of the state. CW is coming, no turning back at this point, the whole of this illegal government is corrupt and evil. May God almighty have mercy on their pitiful souls, because I will not.
Vote harder next time!
I had a discussion with someone yesterday who said even after gun control that voting straight “R” was better than voting “D”. The only difference I can see at this point is the Ds have us on a fast track to a Marxist NWO, one world government made of elites and serfs with nowhere to run, and the Rs have us on the same track, just at a slower pace, although not that much slower anymore.
People still are not awake enough to do anything other than shop at the mall which is still open, toilet paper on the shelves, what can be wrong, and keep voting harder. That is the reality. We can only do what we can do until we have the numbers to do something more, and we do not right now So go gray man/woman. Make the change you can make .
Flashback: Joe Biden Caught Running Secret Lists Used to Prevent Outspoken Political Opponents from Owning Guns
Bolsheviks against Mensheviks. Very little difference.
Well the Mensheviks might have disagreed once the Bolsheviks took control of Russia……but standing with your back to the wall as the squad prepares to shoot is a bit too late. We need more than these two choices.
“Nothing Changes Today” -- Lawless NYC Mayor Eric Adams Promises to Ignore Supreme Court Ruling on Concealed Gun Laws The law does not apply, so why do we obey the law?
Because……… Well, I don’t know. Except that the NYC Mayor is now openly defying the Court and Constitutional Law. Historically SC fired on Ft.Sumter and Lincoln then had his opening to muster troops for a Domestic war. I don’t want to repeat that mistake again. We should hold our fire until fired upon. Now the argument could be made that 1/6 Commissars and Jailings, the Summer of Burn, Loot, Murder has already satified that requirement for us. But the point has not been made Broadly….Yet. It is getting very close as I speak to people in the course of everyday activities.These ProgreSSive tyrants are guaranteed to push enough people over the edge. It seems people are waiting to see “How” the Nov. sElections go and more importantly “How” much ecnomic Pain is Enough. 2022 will tell the tale, imo.
Yep, pain is a great motivator.
Well I guess TarHeels are sooo proud of their Repub Senators votes today on the Gun Bill, they are doing Illegal Alien Amnesty next too!!!
About 1 minute 30 seconds in starts the discussion. I like Steve Deace, he gets it.
The Repub Senate just shot themselves in the foot as usual today. I wouldn’t be too confident of the Red Tide thingy for them in Nov. Mitchy McCuckold likes the Minority position, it actually is better for soliciting Moar Money for him and his cohorts.
The American Independent Party, the other two are actually one and the same, a coin different faces, time for both to gotten rid of. Voting is a farce now, Dominion says so!