On Wednesday Tucker Carlson dropped another convenient fact on the American public. Of course, this has NEVER been mentioned by the mainstream media, but more police officers were injured in the 2020 BLM riots in Washington DC than during the January 6 protests at the US Capitol.
A lot more.
114 police officers were assaulted at the Capitol Hill protests.
180 police officers were assaulted and injured during the BLM riots in Washington DC in the summer of 2020.
And… Four Trump supporters were killed at the US Capitol on January 6.
Zero were killed during the violent BLM riots.
Just how many were killed and injured in the mostly peaceful riots? At least 25 dead and 2 billion in damages, don’t know how many were injured or maimed. These mostly peaceful riots went on for months and were encouraged by their fans in DC.
Just remember when you lay your head down tonight, all in the district of criminals, are pissing on your back, and telling you, it’s raining. LIARS all.
We are being systematically invaded while our leaders lie to us. Wonder what George and TJ are thinking right now?
I think we know what they would think of us, it would probably hurt our feelings.
Praying all the J6 committee members go to jail and any other Congressmen that were in on this great Deception on the American people! Truth ALWAYS comes out! (Numbers 32:23 & Luke 8:17)