Tucker Carlson – Episode 6

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1 year ago

Joe has to go! ASAP!
RFK Jr. is a leader!
A sensible, intelligent, compassionate human being with all the qualities needed to be President. The sad thing is this country has been so mutilated and twisted by dark powers -- it remains to be seen whether the couch potato citizenry will rise up and stand. If Joe boy starts a war -- that will not bode well for this upcoming election.

The other issue we have is that Trump was attacked over and over by the perverted swine behind the curtain. This has not been resolved. It must be resolved. Congress needs to be sprayed with Raid for what they did to our country. Tough times ahead for us. Deadly days…what to do? Americans are still in jail because they loved their country.

Neither RFK Jr. or Trump want to continue this Ukraine war. The banker puppet masters want war. The unelected billionaire rats want war, and famine, and destruction. Houston, we have a problem.

1 year ago

I know it’s not cool for conservatives to like RFK but his honesty for many years is refreshing. Yeah there’s some clips out there that paint him in really bad light and I can’t see myself ever pulling the trigger for him…but I still like him.