Tucker Carlson on wanting to know what exactly happened during the tragic school shooting in Uvalde, TX

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2 years ago

That’ll be 2 years.
They’ll have to run it by Cheetoff and Gorelick first.
Then produce a CIA animation to present

2 years ago

The top priority of LEOs is to “go home at the end of the day.” This takes precedent over your life or the lives of your children. God bless the woman who went in to get her own children out (if true.)

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

Give vouchers to all students so they can get private home school/tutoring. No more large groups for targeting. Society has been destroyed. Admit it and adapt. If you go to church and don’t have a gun, you’re just asking for it. I haven’t been to a sporting event or concert for decades. Don’t miss it at all. The government is the problem. The government isn’t going to do anything to save the kids. The government would actually like to see much more of this, in order to take more control over us. The government and MSM have radicalized the freaks. If you saw the pics this nut job posted on social media, then you saw him wave his army’s flag. The rainbow flag. Millions of disfunctional characters with their own flag? Is that a movement or an insurgency?

Roger Sliter
2 years ago

From all I’ve seen and read so far these police are willful liars and cowards. The bigger problem, never mentioned is this kind of incident will continue to happen. The Satanist democrats, the elite, and Gates want gun control and these red flag events are just means to get the results.

2 years ago

On point …

2 years ago

i will go in there to save my baby no matter what