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- NITZAKHON on World War III
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- NITZAKHON on World War III
Is it any wonder why this world will burn?
There seem to be many cults coming to a head at the same time, many centered around ‘ Love of money.’
This disgusting trend must be stopped. This is nothing but evidence of growing satanic evil.
Money, Climate, Sex,Race,People control, Information control…..
They are all Cults
Merca has a CULT Problem
Oh…lets not forget The Coward(R) Cult
It’s not realistic to expect to have cultivated men and women from many perspectives (masculinity, femininity, relational development, responsible citizenry, civically apt, work ethic, financial responsibility, the educated and focused mind with a positive directionality for one’s future, and the mobility to explore these capacities and others), when there’s not even a culture, much less cohesiveness in the social and familial environments that facilitates such growth. The corporate Christian church system in America is one of the biggest cults there is, and the people perpetuate this institutionalized, systemic and multigenerational, dumbing down of its own, extending to other institutions as well (cultural Christianity). If there is a continued collective unwillingness to revolutionize these churches (overturn and restructure), then they will ensure the furtherance of this same trajectory, but exponentially so (more political warring on any number of encroaching agendas). Meaning that their ‘strategy’ has been reactiveness, as that’s all they’ve demonstrated as a platform ideology and in social practice (with exceptions), largely shunning independent and creative thinkers. The momentum for decades has been to admonish inward and outward passiveness and disregard for economic, social, civic and political, and artistic means of expression, as a way to get the church pews filled (seeker sensitive churches). The leaves only one option, continued reactiveness, and the whole world knows it. The question is what are they and the church system going to do about it?
People I mention this too, always think I’m overreacting in my outrage over it. I can’t believe how nonchalant society has become to the gays and perverts grooming and having sex with kids.
Our society deserves to burn.
Say what you want, but there is only one punishment for this. It is time We the People stopped it.
I have ideas on how to stop it, legally and if that does not work, illegally.
This kindles an anger in me that might have no limits.
I would be interested in learning and pursuing both ideas.
The legal part is just exposing it. Stand at the places it happens and let everyone know and at the same time put enormous pressure on the law enforcement to stop it.
This is something people need to really understand. Law enforcement knows everything that goes on. They know who does what, where it happens and who is all involved. I know this first hand. They need to be made to fulfill their oath. They also need to know what will happen if they do not. They can be made to do it with enough pressure.
If for some reason that does not work. You bring the hammer down. God had told you what the punishment should be be for rape and such. You just need enough people to do it. You could do it alone, but then you will never stop it, you might put a little dent in it.
I have used the pressure on law enforcement before. I had to resort to telling them what I was going to do if they did not shut down a drug pusher if they did not. I added that I was not leaving state and I did not want to see any cops get hurt. The person was in prison less than 6 months later and was only let out to die. It can be done. All this becomes easier when there is a community of like minded people.
It’s gotta be done.