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- Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim on Not No, but Hell NO
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- Joe Blow on The Mice That Roared
- Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim on Just a Reminder
The communism is strong here
Gatekeeper alert! Tucker sees no reason to doubt the gubmint’s narrative on 9/11.
Must we all think and agree as one on absolutely everything?
You’re either with us or you’re with the terrorists on this one.
absolutely, there is no grey area.
I agree that this legislation is unconstitutional and a means to eventually disarm and then kill us. There is no debate on our natural rights.
You hit the nail on the head. We do not seek common ground and unify. We seek any one thing to discredit the truth or the presentation. All we need to do is concentrate on giving our children Liberty. Period.
Certainly not. However, if you want to know who you can trust, see their stand on 9/11, geoengineering, the Fed and the Jew World Order. NONE of that gets exposed despite the 24/7 news cycle. They must appear to be patriots but they know what cannot be made public.
i do not necessarily trust any one person or group.
Discernment is needed at every foot hold.
i am impressed with many things Tucker and many others are saying and “reporting” on.
“Jew world order” ? There seems to be evil in every bloodline!
“To see who rules over you, simply find out who you cannot criticize.” [or something like that!]
“Jew World Order” refers to the top dogs. The others from other bloodlines you refer to are the runners, the low lying fruit. They can be replaced easily by Klaus Schwab’s new graduates of his Young Global Leaders. The masterminds of mayhem hide behind the scenes.
Just on where to aim is good enough for me.
What bothers me (still) on the 9/11 situation is the fact that Clinton knew about the suspicions of the attendees of the flight school, (the flight school should have been a LOT more proactive in their outing of them) and Clinton did “Nothing”. Passed on the info to Bush and Bush did “Nothing” again. This entire shitshow we are experiencing today has been in the making for many many decades, All controlled by the wealthiest elitist of the world, of which klub George Bush Senior was a member of, the Skull and Bones, and its various offshoots. I refer to them all-inclusively as the Globalist Cabal. It’s a big klub, and you ain’t in it. The downfall of our Republic has been planned for many many years. The are currently getting more blatant about it. Should our Republic fall, so goes the remainder of the world. It will be a “new world order”, enveloped in darkness.
enn ess,
I admire your passion for the truth. The best info regarding 9/11 in my opinion if from Christopher Bollyn. It will answer 99% of anything still bothering you about 9/11.