Tucker: Congress tells struggling Americans to take ‘$600 and shut up’

And take the Insurrection Act and give its authority to Nancy Pelosi.

David DeGerolamo

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4 years ago

How about congress gives the American people all BUT that $600.00 and call it even…?
Since when do other nations get first priotity?
These people are sick in the head if they think we’re going to stand for this BULLSHIT any longer.

Mark .B
Mark .B
4 years ago

The government can take that 600 dollars or bribe money whatever you want to call it and they can stick it up there ass
Our politicians democrats and Republicans cannot be trusted. They turned there back on the American people and the constitution. We need to take this country back by force if necessary no American wants to se violence American against AMERICAN . We sing that and the Civil War We fought for liberty and freedom once before in 1776 and if we have to we will fight for again. We are Americans. We are not afraid to fight. On the morning of December 7th 1941 The Japanese attack Pearl harbour And the Japanese Admiral said I am afraid we have awakened a sleeping giant.. You think That our government would have learned from that.. Our government has angered the patriotic spirit of the American people And lady liberty is calling for help And the American people must answer that Call. This is not about Republicans or Democrats this is about freedom Democracy and a constitutional Republic. Now we have a man Joe Biden That wants to take our freedom and our 2nd amendment away the same men That sad the 2nd amendment is for hunting.. He needs to learn his history. The 2nd amendment is for when your government becomes tyrannical it is our duty to Abolish such government and put a new government in place that’s what its for .now is it time to Abolish such government.????? It is looking that way….!!!!