Ep. 64 At some point America’s power grid will fail. What happens then? Dennis Quaid on a risk the government seems to be ignoring. pic.twitter.com/EzX2e4NfU2
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) January 13, 2024
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Dennis must be wrong, because the government is here to help us all. Ronald Reagan told me so.
“The nine most frightening words in the English language are; I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”
Ronald Reagan
Aviation version: “Hi, I’m from the FAA, and I’m here to help.”
They aren’t ignoring it. The cost of hardening the biggest, most valuable and hardest to replace transformers is known and easily doable. The danger to America because it’s not being done is understood. If the grid doesn’t go down when they need it to they will dispatch Lon Horiuchi.
Yes, Mr. Horiuchi has earned quite a reputation for being an expert government rifleman, especially when taking short-distance shots at helpless, innocent women holding their babies in their arms.
He and the turd, Byrd -- who took out Ashli Babbitt at point blank range -- ought to get together some time for a couple of drinks and laughs and congratulate each other for being the great heroes they both think they are.
The power grid going down for 6 months or a year is probably the worst thing that could happen. Might even be worse than nuke war. The grid is very old. The government wants us to go to electric vehicles. I’m told the grid won’t handle normal growth of electric usage, much less the additional usage from massive electric vehicle demand. The grid might just collapse under normal use. Throw in sabotage, emp, solar storms, cyber attack, etc. and things could get bad quickly. Could get bad? Looks like a sure bet.
Large, heavy transformers come from where? China. Two-to-three-year backup on them, grid down, in one year likely 90% of Americans will not make it. Add into the mix, now that we have started another war in Middle East, just wait for some cell to help that grid down commence.
Might be a cell from Langley.
A major power grid failure? Frankly, I’m much more worried about the next major bioweapon the government plans to attack the American people with than a power grid failure caused by natural solar flare eruptions.
An ‘EMP’ event (either solar induced, or via high altitude nuke) would pretty much turn us back (technologically) between 100 to 150 years for a year or more, with a slow painful rebuild afterwords. That’s transportation, food production and preservation, water, heating/cooling, lighting, medicine, communication, and 100 other ways that we really won’t be ready for until it happens.
Best prepping for it would be to plan on homestead style self-sufficiency, living ‘completely off grid’, w/little to no contact w/any commerce (worse than catalog/mail order rather than the ‘same day/next day delivery’ we’ve become used to). If you live anywhere within about 100mi of a city, plan on the ‘golden horde’ escaping the cities to find food/shelter, and after a week (or less) plan on having to defend yourself and your stuff from them. Sad, but true.
A reasonably true semi-fictional series on this was written by William R. Forstchen, the first of which is called ‘One Second After’. It can give you a fuller appreciation for just how fragile our modern world is. Recommended.
If anyone is interested in keeping up with what the sun is doing and other things going on in the sky above us, check out MrMBB333 on YouTube.
He’s got some interesting videos sent in to him by his viewers from around the world.
They are not ignoring this, they know what is coming, they can not stop what is coming. They are making their plans of course, yet do not get that they can not hide! They will, We will all be held to account in one way or another. Praise Yahuah!
if needed forgive me for my multiple post.
This all fits so well with Bible and other prophecies through out time and cultures.
i am passionate about this discussion as i do believe this is what we should be aware of and ready for. man is going to do his thing, the world will follow their path as prophesied to do so.
Earth Disaster is Coming | ALL The Evidence
While the effort to alert the public about this risk is certainly not the first, the public needs to be warned repeatedly of the risk, otherwise, most people are more concerned about who is going to the playoffs or who is doing well on “Dancing with the Stars.” Once the grid goes down, these same people will be dumbstruck and wondering why “nobody told us.”
I listened to the first hour of Tucker’s interview with Quaid. Once the interview turned to Quaid’s career, I decided that I had heard the important part.
Quaid made one significant mistake. It isn’t gamma rays from a high altitude nuclear burst that produces an electromagnetic pulse, an “EMP,” that will fry modern electronics. It is E1, E2, and E3 waves of electromagnetic radiation. Gamma rays will kill if enough are absorbed. Electromagnetic waves are harmless to humans (unless, say, a human is touching a long electrical line that absorbs the pulse). Despite Quaid’s error, the point he was making is valid, however.
One thing unaddressed in the interview, is that a solar storm, called a Coronal Mass Ejection, a “CME,” will be discovered hours and even days before it hits Earth, so there will be race to shut down the grid before it hits. There will be some successes and some failures. With a manmade EMP, however, once the detonation occurs, massive damage will be done to the grid and modern electronics in a fraction of a second. American society will be devastated.
While the Carrington Event in 1859 caused little damage to the country then, such an event today will, technologically, take society back to the 1850s. Today, few have livestock, machinery, agricultural experience, and even something as simple as garden seeds with which to deal with the incredible disruption in their lifestyles.
And “no one is coming to save you.”
Important topic but I wish Tucker had interviewed someone with a better grasp of the subject. Not being facetious.
I agree. If Tucker would have done some research up front, this would have been a great topic. This was Tucker’s worst interview since leaving Fox News.