Tucker – Episode 79

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1 year ago

It’s becoming clear that people in certain professions need to be keeping multiple copies of all their records and store them in multiple places so the Federal Crime Syndicate can’t steal them.

kal kal
kal kal
1 year ago

In case you haven’t heard, this ain’t America anymore kids. It’s obium’s dystopian and dictatorial banana republic called, Amerikastan.

1 year ago

Just for the record, in 1950 a book, Dianetics disclosed prenatal memories. So much for medicos keeping up, at least he knows the brain ain’t You.
But then if you take the next step, the cat is out of the bag and being a meat body becomes absurd…. bowing down 3x daily to Mecca or priests burning insence is also absurd.
But Each to their Own……