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I realized it was tyranny from the very beginning.
And thanks to my love of liberty, and my knowledge of how times our national government has deliberately lied to us, and confirmation by the Holy Spirit, so did I.
But what really came as a shock to me was that a majority of Americans, in many cases supposedly well-educated ones, bought into all of their tyrannical lies without a moments hesitation and were perfectly willing to give up their freedoms and liberties without any critical thought whatsoever.
And to make matters even worse, they instantly condemned anyone who dared to question the so-called “authorities.” And even after all of the mountains of evidence that have been compiled that have proven beyond any doubt that the so-called “authorities” repeatedly lied to them, they still don’t believe it!
Seriously, I’m beginning to believe a majority Americans are suffering from some form of mind control and/or demonic possession.
You’re spot on. The 24/7 fear mongering propaganda worked. It was wicked evil. I will never forgive or forget this.
Probable both strider777.
2 Thess 2:11-12 “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness”.
oddly enough, she’s a declared democrat and at least three years ago proud of it. Been reading her for years.
She has also been quite popular among leftists, especially feminists. (who loved her book “Vagina: A New Biography”)
I imagine the world has become a very hostile and confusing place for those who have declared war on reality.
What must not be missed about the “COVID vax” episode is that millions of people embraced the vaccine (and the associated panic) not because of observable facts and well-verified medical science, but because politicians they like told them to do so. That illustrates how completely immune to facts and reasoning people can be, when those facts and that reasoning come from others they’ve been taught to dislike and spurn.
Cain -- Abel
They eat each other.
let us not become as them.
I’m sorry but the words liberal and intellectual are contradictions.