Tucker: This is not a good sign

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sand sock
sand sock
3 years ago

inflation is the only thing that can ever happen. if i am growing 1 bushel on corn for sale and the idiots just voted for a new fire station and it is placed on land owners of $800 per $100K of acessed worth. you have no choice but to raise prices of that bushel of corn to pay for the cities free shit. if you want to fix teh country, only land owners should be able to vote. why would you let some school teacher have any say, that she needs more to fund her job. the answer is no. you didnt help plant teh wheat or grow the wheat or harvest the wheat or grind the wheat or bake the wheat into bread. why should you have any say on who i feed with my bread or what i charge.

womens sufferage was a pile of crap also. they are soft and cant say no. no more money for the cities.

3 years ago
Reply to  sand sock

You are so, so right. I am a woman. I would gladly give up my right to vote if women were no longer allowed to vote. In fact, all voting has become pointless now. Our crooked rulers in DC give themselves raises. Our school employees do also. Idiots vote themselves higher taxes every chance they get. We do not have public schools. We have Federal Govt. schools and they are not really schools. Their purpose is to brainwash and indoctrinate children. School trains them to be sheep. To follow the crowd and the crowd is brainwashed by the curricula and the school employees, who now insist on being called EDUCATORS. How Orwellian. Now that they don’t educate, in Newspeak, they are called EDUCATORS.

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago
Reply to  con

I agree in some ways, but overall, the integrity of a person is more important than gender in voting or anything else. Narrowing the issue to gender misses the big picture and all the other variables that contribute to what we’re living through now. That said, as a woman, I would much rather sing a child a lullaby than roar like a lion…many fell for the con, and lost the sweetness of their true contributory voice, which rightly placed, may likely have been more powerful than our supposed lion’s roar. SAND SOCK, thank you for the crop growth, processing, and sale illustration. Someday, maybe there will be fairness and equity…

3 years ago
Reply to  Mae Bee

Bell curve. Some women are stronger than some men, but as a population, they are not. Some women are great at logical thinking. Most are more emotive. According to the data, some black folks have higher IQs than some whites. As a population, they do not. Before you scream racist … Some whites have higher IQs than some Asians (again, according to the data), but as a population, they do not. I could go on. The point is … differences. We. Are. Not. All. Equal … except under God and under the law. Our society is so screwed up because we refuse to accept that. Homogeneous societies living with traditional roles seem not to suffer as we do.

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago
Reply to  Malachi

(Fyi …I stay away from the “ist” thing for any realm, except maybe fasc-ist, other political “ists.” No worries -- it won’t send me over the edge.). Our society is so screwed up…” I very much agree. There is much information that can contribute to our welfare if we’re open to hearing it. I’m pretty open to hearing. Haven’t learned everything yet 😉

enn ess
enn ess
3 years ago

Read Adam Smiths “Wealth of Nations” for a primer on how economies are designed to work. The free market of supply and demand, dictates the price anything, its worth & price, even services sold or traded for products produced. Services are actually products that can be traded or sold. Our tax system and the feral gommermint, all feral expenses, were at the conception, funded by the duties put upon traded goods with different countries the US trades with.Then the ferals decided the needed more and mucked up the entire works, just like they do with Everything.

3 years ago
Reply to  enn ess

Brilliant. When a person is hired to work for someone else they both agree to a trade. One guy trades his effort/sweat/time/stress for money. An even trade, so to speak. YET, the rotten politicians, the bureaucracy step between and steal from them both, especially the person working for the other person. It’s just like the Mafia shaking down a business owner.

Hammer's Thor
3 years ago

Where are all the workers?
As one of them, I can attest that they are GOING GALT.
This will continue to happen, and increase, and it is the only way to recover our country… indeed, our world. Walk away. Grow your own food. Eliminate as many monthly bills as possible. Throw your $100 a month smart phone in the trash and cancel your contract. Sell your overpriced car that costs you $600 a month. If you can’t pay off your house, sell it and go buy or build a tiny home. Brew your own damned coffee. Shut off cable or satellite TV. Start thinking about how much each of your monthly bills costs you EACH YEAR. You will probably get sick. Good. Get rid of ALL OF THEM. Make only enough money to live comfortably, but not one penny more than you need, so you are depriving the Death Star of it’s fuel. Politicians without money are politicians without power. STOP BEING A SLAVE.
And give your life back to God.

3 years ago
Reply to  Hammer's Thor

Swing that hammer, Thor. You are on the mark!

3 years ago
Reply to  Malachi

Dead on!
They will feel it for sure this Christmas season, but i assume they prepared for such a problem anyway.
This has been planned far too long for them not to know a bit about what hit$ they’d take.
So many things i don’t waste my voter bucks on any longer.

3 years ago
Reply to  Hammer's Thor

The malls are empty practically in Florida. I went to the stores with the “freedom fighter’s” owners. Yeah, the maskless, non-compliant ones, i shopped with, avoided the rest.
It was pathetic though..And Florida was loaded with overpriced, China garbage to buy in mall. Ain’t moving a bit though

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
3 years ago

Tucker is another supposed savior. I just saw him on a video saying if there was evidence that the gubmint’s version of 9/11 wasn’t true he’d jump on board. However, he said there is no evidence. Tell me what someone thinks about 9/11 and I’ll tell you which side they are on. It works for some of our other saviors like Donald and Rand.

Nolan Parker
Nolan Parker
3 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Yeah, that is something to consider. It’s too bad so many choose to ignore their eyes and believe the lies.