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The economy and all of its plans for genocide are going well as planned by Biden and his administration.
Welcome to Trubulation. How far along are we ? I’m not sure, but i am sure Jesus will return and very soon. God bless everyone reading this.
You say it BB. He’s coming for His people shortly. Get right with the LORD while time allows. daniel11truth
Well, if more people would have been fooled into taking the gene therapy kill shot and died, we wouldn’t be having to have an engineered famine, now would we? Of course if the covid bioweapon had performed as intended, we wouldn’t be on the precipice of famine, food riots and mass roundups either, we can assume.
The Kill shot is working… they are just not reporting all the deaths and a lot more coming because of destroyed immune systems… 2-3 more years we lose probably 50-100 million… so they have to stop the supply train on everything so we don’t have a huge “deflation”….
we will soon hit a manufactured Hyper Inflation with Stagflation… only items that will matter…..Food, Energy, and any extremely immportant necessity… everything else collapses…
this is why… blackrock and statestreet hedgefunds are buying up as many homes as they can to take them “OFF” the market and just rent them…
Interesting. Its weird to think of AI investment programs buying real estate.
The controllers will have plenty to eat…
We will have plenty to eat IF we plant a garden! Seeds are still available as is soil and fertilizer. These things, with a little work, not woke, will give you food this winter and next year as well.
I am sure some food will be available, but at what price? For those of us on a fixed income, current prices already hurt!
If you live in the city and don’t have room for a garden, maybe it is time to move? Do you like to eat?
If you are storing food, don’t forget good oils. We need 30-40% of our calories from good fats like, olive, sunflower, coconut, real butter and fish. processed
vegetable oils like canola and corn are not good for you. I used to tell my patients, “if God dident make it don’t eat it”! I know most doctors and scientist think they know better than God about everything as they are scientific! I am just not buying it!!
There is PLENTY of food if they GET out of the way. They are purposefooly doing this.
I’m surprised everybody just lets them. Perhaps you falling for the covid scam of theirs EMBOLDEN them to do this and it looks like youse guyz are falling for another SCAM again.
Maybe you are BORED with life but you won’t soon be.