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Great video. Would like to see more on this. Maybe some videos of finished products. Price for finished product. Good idea for retiree community.
Compare now with the first Great Depression. There were no real regulations, no restrictions, etc. You could pick up a job, get paid in cash, not have to keep any government POS happy, etc. You could build a small house on your property, have someone live in a space that THEY were fine living in, etc. When TSHTF for real in the near future, the ONLY way we are all going to make it is if all the government BS is ignores. Nice small living space ideas.
Good video and tips. Taking many things into acct.
Surviving mankind and his devices, has become secondary on my list.
Follower working on it you and I need to keep in mind, this is not our real home.
Watched the video, seems to have missed any tips aside from buying his e-subscription and suspicious observer tee shirt?
What tips did I miss?
Thanks Brother.
My comment (tips)was on Sp1’s video.
The video i provided is something going on that many are not watching.
The Creator designed our universe.
Do we think a shed, or Hiding from our Creator is going to save us?
Some other things besides the news, the gossip, the daily onslaught of propaganda and opinions should be taken in to acct.
“ you and I need to keep in mind, this is not our real home.”
Surviving mankind and his devices, has become secondary on my list.
Sorry Follower WORKING ON IT, Go back to the screen name that shows a humble relationship with God please. What glory to God is your being a thorn about something most folks on this blog have forgotten about?
Where pray tell “Do we think a shed, or Hiding from our Creator is going to save us?”
Come into this discussion? We are discussing providing a shelter from the EVILS of Mankind, NOT our Creator.
If God wants me Dead, Guess what? I’M DEAD. Is that a Problem?
Philippians 1:20 I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have complete boldness so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. 21For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. 22But if I go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. So what shall I choose? I do not know.…
Why do you suppose that HIS Word speaks about fleeing into the mountains when the BAD TIMES COME?
Matthew 24:16 comes to mind, plenty others in old and new.
Or the many proverbs about hiding-avoiding troubles?
Proverbs 27:12 The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.
Please step away from the internet a while brother and read and pray.
“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster… for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”
― Friedrich W. Nietzsche
Praying for you.
With all these illegals swarming the U.S. I guess they’ll get all those unused FEMA trailers.
My wife bought one of these last spring for a quilting shop, I finished it last summer. I thought it would make a great little cabin or home if necessary!
Ours was very well built and relatively cheap!
Our approach has been to use these as bunkhouses for others in our group. We include only the barest necessities to maximize sleeping space and to minimize cost. Also, no “permanent foundation” and no utilities means no permitting required where we are. Putting them close to 110 v outlets and frost free hydrants has proved helpful.
Good plan
This is a great Idea for a bug-out retreat. I’d like one in woodland camo.
The rules and regulations involved in doing this is insane. To legally do this is almost like building a full-sized house with the red tape and hoops that they put in your way. This country is in real trouble right now and government has caused every single bit of it too.
Here in AR there are no rules and regulations unless you hook up to city water, or as long as you are not in an incorporated city. There is no one to check otherwise.
I know of a friend that put one of these inside his barn as an “Office”.
That keeps it off the taxman’s radar. Would work to provide an almost Anne Frank level shelter to friends.
Those buildings are fine, in one right now fully wired to code, insulated, airconditioned, a monitor kerosene heater. Only thing it dont have, is toilet and water. would have had to go through extra BS for that.
Actually really interesting project. I have shed I wasn’t using for anything(ever since I’ve moved all my hunting and woodworking stuff(reloading station, boxes of beretta clothing) to my garage. If it’s not used at all might as well to make something similar!