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- General 'Buck' Turgidson on Children Running the Government
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- kal kal on Another Democrat Fedsurrection on January 20th?
- kal kal on Another Democrat Fedsurrection on January 20th?
Oh my GOD, Really, this is the grand plan…. A Texting war..
With this brilliant plan, you had better figure out how to speak babbling Biden real fast.
If, President Trump is in fact being kept in isolation from his allies and supporters through the efforts of supposed advisers (ie: Mark Meadows & Rudy G.) then this ‘text war’ makes perfect sense. Why don’t we launch a campaign to plant daffodils in the WH lawn while we are at it? Texts & daffodils will definitely defeat Luciferian globalism! The Trump option is over. I pray for his safety. His ability to lead us against the acts of war are nil. Our trust must be in God from this point forward.
Right on Gail. Finally somebody making sense. This is a call to arms. The only safe way to communicate has been in place for sometime among command structure of those who have been in this war for decades now, that is physical runners. This virtual world is a trap and place for johnny come lately blowhards to express what they believe is their superior intellect. Grab your gun prepare your rally points and defensive fighting positions, this shit is on.
We must clearly define what we’re at war for. The USA? Too late! Your state? Maybe. Decide who is good and who is bad. Harden yourself and prepare to eliminate those you have said are bad. Even if that number is in the millions. Unwilling? You cannot win without actually eliminating the enemy!
Youtube didn’t waste any time pulling the video down..
To me, this is a war against my…our, humanity. To be able to live as individual humans who respect and protect our collective right (from God) to worship, think, express our thoughts, to move about freely, to have our bodies be ‘sovereign’ temples of God which no one has the right to breach without our permission, Let me stop there. When Obama Care was passed, one of the terrifying elements of the health care plan was to shift the responsibility for the care and maintenance of our bodies from us personally to the state. This was a clear step toward commodification of the human body by the state. Look at China and their sex trade or organ harvesting capitalistic sector. The VAX issue should not be couched in terms of ‘health mandates’ but in terms of a war against the individual sovereignty of our bodies. My Body! My Choice! No VAX! So, in a very simplistic way, this war, is against my heart, my soul, my health, my ability to human. It is inconceivable to me that I will be able to live within the extremely punitive and narrow definition of human when even my most personal thoughts are likely to be monitored and censored. I will die like a butterfly pinned to a board. I agree that our country’s government is so corrupt as to be not just useless, but an active threat against the citizenry. If anyone doubts that, look at Mark Meadows, Trey Gaudi, or any number of other Representatives or Senators and the fact that during their years of public service, no one nor anything was indicted or changed. They are one dimensional characters like chocolate Easter bunnies.. To fix this, we virtually need to start from scratch. The enemy? Anyone who protects the status quo, obstructs the Truth, lies, steals, causes murder, seeks to fundamentally change our existence so that ‘we, the mass of people’ become their slaves. I can gather my thoughts later but for now, that’s my jumping off place.
Video is gone.
Putting stuff on YouTube is pointless. They are now into extreme censorship of anything that is against leftists.
Use BitChute.
Aaaand it’s gone. There is your sign.
They want open conflict not as a means to an end, but as the desired end.
Sustained CW is a deadly wound to a head of the global beast. Things will get biblical, they always were.
Two presidents, two Messiahs.
Cry’s of “no evidence” at first Advent and again for legitimate winner, Trump.
“Let His blood be on our hands!” They still don’t care.
Can someone describe the video for those of us who didn’t see it before it was censored?
It was Donald Trumps own youtube account and he was describing all the fraud that had taken place during the election. Not sure how that violates youtubes standards…
Trump’s very existence seems to violate Zuckerberg’s sensibilities. Which really translates into: Our existence violates the Left’s definitions of civilized and worthy. Thank goodness we now have other platforms and other sources for news.