My original Twitter account is still permanently banned for stating that traitors should be hanged. I appealed this “ruling” which resulted in the complete termination of my account (I had been “allowed” to see my feed but not comment). No further explanations were given except to state that any attempt to rejoin Twitter using a new account would also result in termination.
Here is my account made when Jack Dorsey was still in charge so that I could view tweets: jackisatraitor1. I revised the screen name to NC Renegade and added the link to the side menu. I will be posting regularly to this account until the Twitter Nazis terminate it.
David DeGerolamo
They are CIA controlled, as are all the major media social media platforms, I have no desire for my speech to be controlled or curtailed.
Also DRenegade, take it as a badge of honor.
Do not worry about it. An account in social media is un needed. I joined Gettr, where it’s pretty much Katie bar the door.
You were absolutely correct, no matter what “they” say. Hanging is too easy for come of the traitors.
Great! Look forward to your posting.
Jackisatraitor? On X? Have you posted there? I couldn’t find you.
Click the link or search on jackisatraiter1