The second fact is that purebloods will be vilified for thinking rationally. They wanted us dead then and they still do.
David DeGerolamo
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The second fact is that purebloods will be vilified for thinking rationally. They wanted us dead then and they still do.
David DeGerolamo
Makes one wonder WHY they want everyone vaxed, doesn’t it?
Meanwhile, I’ll be at the bus stop awaiting Yeshua’s return…lol
They want you to take the mark, death is already been a determined outcome in life.
They choose to do what they wanted and felt best for them and I choose to do what was good for me. I shall defend my choice with the same conviction. I won’t be bullied or intimidated.
It is a good day to die.
Sadly, I’ve probably had about 100 shots over the years, starting with baby shots. But never the “Vax”. And never been tested, either. I did due diligence from the get go on Covid. The inventor of the PCR test, Dr. Kari Mullis, said the test doesn’t detect Covid. It detects all corona viruses. So when people were told that they had Covid, they were lied to. All of them. And the good doctor even said the CDC and the WHO manipulated the tests in a manner that created over 90% false positives. Why? For no good reason, for sure.
Yeah and they killed him 2 weeks later…. HMMMM
How much evidence do you need that the Majick Covid Spell, and the Majick Covid Rituals, itself is a hoax designed for on thing… sell you the Majick Covid Elixir?
Every institution without exception has failed to provide or cite even 1 record describing purification of the alleged virus from even 1 patient sample.
Spain: Ministry Of Health forced to confirm it has never isolated the SARS-CoV-2 virus
See the words: from even 1 patient sample?
The FDA admits, that during “the early months” of the “Covid”, they didn’t have any specimens of the “Covid”. The FDA goes on to admit that they “contrived samples” and “contrived specimens” from a bowl of biological and synthetic soup.
Think about that. During the early months, there were supposedly Millions world-wide of sick and dead “Covid” patients of which they could have drawn blood samples from, isolating the “Covid” and had BILLIONS of specimens. But no one did that. Before the PCR Test, they diagnosed “Covid” by “symptoms”.
Symptoms. If you wanted to exacerbate the influenza, what would you do to repurpose it into the “Covid”. Think of all the “mandates”. All the “Covid” recommendations. Think Medical Malpractice Covid Protocols that were mandated to medical practitioners. Viral -- Bacterial overload face diapering?
Speaking of PCR Test.
Dr. Andrew Kaufman refutes “isolation” of SARS-Cov-2; he does step-by-step analysis of a typical claim of isolation; there is no proof that the virus exists.
Anyhow, when the “Covid” first came on the radar, I started documenting it on a almost daily bases on my blog. And I remember reading just the first month… and it just popped out at me… It reads like a script, because it IS a script. PsyOps 101 baby.
Anyhow. 267,476,279 Boobus AmeriKanus are now “vaxxed” with a “vaccine” that NO ONE knows what was coded/programmed into the Lab Created Artificial mRNA that instructs your natural DNA to perform… whatever action that is “coded/programmed” in the Lab Created Artificial mRNA.
Keep believing in the Covid-Alpha-Beta-Gamma-Delta-Epsilon-Zeta-Eta-Theta-Iota-Kappa-Lambda-Mu-Omicron-Deltacron-Flurona-Variants of the Variants Variants and whatever other Variants of the Variants Variants they dream up.
After all, the Covid is everywhere. The Covid is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see Covid when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel Covid when you go to work… when you go to church… when you pay your taxes.
The Majick Covid Elixir exists because Boobus fell for the Majick Covid Spells and the Majick Covid Rituals.
And MILLIONS of Boobuses and most of the Anti Covid vaxxers still believe in the Covid.
The evidence (genome) was probably with held for at least 2 reasons. One to keep anyone from determining that it did come from a lab. And two, to allow the creators to make over $100 billion on shots for the alleged cure, without competition. As far as I know, the only genome released so far, was a computer generated synthetic genome. Sort of a tacit admission of guilt.
actually, in his final interview, he mentioned that it would find any virus you’ve had in the past if “particles” of them still are present.
He said that if you magnified the samples high enough you could get to the molecular level and find anything you wanted to find. At that point the test had no value at all.
Great day for bloodshed!!!!…. Nevervaxed Pure Blood!!!!
Document that shows covid tests ordered by world governments in 2018; well before covid 19 was supposed to even exist.
I’ve got thousands of rounds, when the f- do we start taking out the trash?
Hey, hoping someone might know. I had an allergic reaction to lisinopril (blood pressure med) and went to er. My tongue and throat swelled up and I couldn’t breathe. They gave me 2 units. of frozen plasma along with other treatment. My question is can anything from the vax be transferred thru the plasma if the donor was vaxxed? I have steadfastly refused to get the jab. Hospital couldn’t answer my question. Go figure.
My situation is a bit different than your as I had time to make a decision. I had Hernia Repair Surgery recently. During the signing of paperwork prior to surgery, one question was would I agree to receiving blood if needed. I said yes only if the donor was unvaccinated by the covid vaccine. I was told that information was not disclosed when a person gave blood for $$$ or other reasons. I asked…so you are telling me the entire blood supply in the US could be compromised and the medical profession wouldn’t know it. The surgical nurse said that was a good point and I should talk to the surgeon. Doc said the same. So I told him I would postpone the surgery and give my own blood over a period of time and have it available if needed. Granted the need for blood would be extremely low in a surgery like mine but I wouldn’t bet may “myocardis” on it! He reluctantly agreed. Bottom line is be careful when agreeing to receive blood and plan ahead to store your if non emergent requirement.
How long were you on Lisinopril before it put you into anaphylactic?
About three years. One of my nurses said her mother took it for 12.years and had reaction like mine. I got the impression this is common enough that they have protocal for treatment. At intake, they asked me if I was on any meds and when I gave them my BP meds, they zeroed in on the lisinopril.
that is interesting information. Thanks much. hope you are feeling better. I have been told anyone can develop an allergy to nearly anything at any time. Apparently so.
to transform you from a being of God, into a transhuman being of their demented science. Take the mark, become the beast and never be human again. Thus, never find the eternal grace of Heaven.