The announcement of two new appointees to the NC State Board of Education sort of flew under the radar yesterday, eclipsed by the NBA/NCGA antics on HB2.
Senate Joint Resolution 902 created confirmation of two appointments to the NC State Board of Education by the Governor. The resolution names the appointees:
“The appointments of James Todd Chasteen and Amy Bannister White to membership on the State Board of Education for terms to expire March 31, 2023, are confirmed.”
The Resolution passed, 110-1.
The lone “No” vote was Rep. Chris Sgro. Sgro is also the Executive Director for Equality NC. Perhaps Srgro was confused since the resolution had a “2” in it. Sgro is arguably the only General Assembly member actively using his position at the legislature to further the agenda of his non-profit, but the media seems uninterested in pursuing that.