Two Wolves and a Sheep

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Old Iron
Old Iron
1 year ago

mash the button, it is going to happen anyway.

1 year ago

The masses have all been duped and dumbed down thru the K-12 public school systems as well as the fake Colleges and Universities who have been teaching our young Marxist/communist philosophies since the late 1960’s. These woke idiot ill-educated morons have no clue what it means to be a constitutional Republic whatsoever. We are doomed as a nation because it would take 40 years to undo the damages the democrats have done to our republic.

1 year ago
Reply to  Phil

note how many of our Presidents (repubs also) have referred to the nation as a “democracy.” They too, were either ill-informed or………………

1 year ago
Reply to  kal

You are right, and Iam sick and tired of listening to these illiterate dumb leaders of ours in the federal government and state legislatures use that moronic term. These have to be the dumbest people in our nation who are leading us to our downfall as well as the idiot voters who never read the constitution, the deceleration of independence or any book on how this nation was formed.

1 year ago

yes, a Republic!

The Southern Nationalist
The Southern Nationalist
1 year ago

Every time I get into a discussion with one of these “democracy idjits” I tell them I’ve got $1000 dollars for them if they can find the word “democracy” anywhere in our Constitution.
I’ve still got my $1000 dollars.