Tyranny of Experts: Is Bill Gates Enabling World Poverty?

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True Blue
True Blue
10 years ago

How about the tyranny of fools?
Fools who throw money toward feeding and clothing the populations of third world hell-holes “for the children” so those kids can grow up, have 8 or a dozen more kids they cannot feed or clothe who will in turn burden the same fools (or the fool’s own children) with an even bigger problem every generation.
What an idiot -want to solve poverty? Stop encouraging the impoverished to breed a bigger problem! Want rising wages? Cut back the size of the unskilled labour pool instead of importing it. What causes poverty anyway? Too many people competing for finite resources… pretty simple really. ‘For only the cost of a cup of coffee a day’ you can feed and clothe poor Elion so he can grow up and irresponsibly make the whole problem 8 times worse…
I only donate to the ASPCA because they at least spay or neuter every recipient of their money in a genuine attempt to curb the actual Problem.