U.S. Senate candidate Cal Cunningham admits to sexual texting with California strategist

Democrat Cal Cunningham Posted an Odd BBQ Picture - Louder With Crowder
or sexting with another man’s wife

North Carolina Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Cal Cunningham, a married father of two, sent text messages of a sexual nature to a woman who is not his wife, his campaign confirmed Friday night.

The text messages between Cunningham and Arlene Guzman Todd, a public relations strategist from California, were first reported Thursday night by NationalFile.com.

The report included pictures of the text messages, in which Cunningham and Guzman, who is also married according to the report, talked about kissing each other and more.

“Would make my day to roll over and kiss you about now,” said one text message from Cunningham.

In one text from Guzman, she says: “I have flexibility this month — done with school, training, big RFPs, etc. So the only thing I want on my to do list is you.”



The above article from the Raleigh News & Disturber as it is locally called known, does not condemn Cunningham. I doubt they would have printed it if Cunningham had not admitted to his actions.

Another case where the voters have a choice between the lessor of two evils. I wish Dr. Brannon would have run again in the primary but the GOP would have not let him win anyway.

David DeGerolamo

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4 years ago

Sexual Escapades are resume Enhancers for democRats. The kinkier the better. FDR, JFK, LBJ, Billy Bob Clinton, and Who knows what BHO?