U.S. troops assisting in Ebola mission may be quarantined

Why would a soldier obey a commander-in-chief who sends you on a mission which has nothing to do with our country’s security and puts your life in jeopardy? If your pResident said to jump off a cliff, would you do it? It is not the duty of a serviceman to provide humanitarian aid to foreign countries. I understand that volunteers could serve in this capacity: that is their choice.

At some point, the epidemic in West Africa will not be contained. The first step is to recognize when this point will happen. Or actually to recognize that this point has already been reached. Even if a humanitarian effort could succeed (it will not), the numbers involved are not realistic based on WHO’s projections of infection. So why are we putting our sons and daughters in harm way for no reason?

I have no faith in this pResident and I see no honor in our military leaders who are sacrificing our soldiers as political fodder.

David DeGerolamo


In an unprecedented move to protect U.S. troops that might be exposed to Ebola, U.S. military commanders are being given the authority to quarantine troops for 21 days at a Defense Department facility where they will be monitored for signs of the disease and treated if they do contract the virus, a Defense Department memo explained.

The memo, which was obtained by CNN, spells out the details of the military’s plan for the first time.

It does not reveal the location of the facility, but one U.S. official said it may be a site in the Washington, D.C. area. The quarantine will apply to troops evacuated from West Africa, if it is determined they have an elevated risk of exposure to Ebola.


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Marsha Gill
Marsha Gill
10 years ago

Did anyone forget that ovomit’s family lives in Africa???