In 2014, the Obama Administration was behind a coup to install a leader in Ukraine. Less than a decade later, the same group installed Biden in the US with a coup.
We shared yesterday the actions that Obama and Biden took in 2014 to rid Ukraine of its Russia-leaning President and replace him with a leader picked by the Obama regime and others in Obama’s State Department. This was discussed at length in 2014 after a phone call from Victoria Nuland was leaked showing that the Obama Administration, including Joe Biden, was picking the next leader for Ukraine after being behind the riots and violence that led to the Russian-leaning President’s demise.
As if we needed MORE evidence that it’s not bidet or obozo calling the shots. It’s the unelected spooks and the letter agencies, or as I’ve taken to calling them, the Star Chamber.
Elites Play, We Pay -- Men Of The West
Putin Derangement Syndrome -- Men Of The West