A drone strike on the Kremlin from Ukraine just does not sound right. This might be a false flag but there seems to be better false flags than this available to Russia. I also doubt that a drone attack on the Kremlin could be considered an assassination attempt on Putin even if he was there.
Keep you eyes open as we are now in the end game of the war for a new world order.
David DeGerolamo
I do not believe anything coming out of the MSM, nothing. The synagogue of satan DC needs to be destroyed, long with the uniparty.
i just hope putin’s missiles are accurate, and they take out dc first. i can die at peace if i know they got their due first.
You bet.
Never thought I agree with a statement like that. But I do. Got beer, pretzels and confetti ready to celebrate taking out the trash.
popcorn too!
not to worry, “Belgrade” might be sitting quietly just off the east coast, with it’s presents for joey and company.
rational skepticism!
but remaining watchful…
So, some ukes were able to thwart the Russian air defense system for over 400 miles then light off a firecracker? Awesome display of guts and power!
Yeah, just like the meme of the field mouse giving that hawk the finger just before the hawk gives grace for its dinner.
The Russians noted the US Poseidon P-8 around in range to give midflight corrections. Since we could have done it with satellites, I’m assuming they WANTED the Russians to notice.
Our Idiots in charge thought maybe they could get Putin thusly. Or trigger a Russian response IN UKRAINE that can be called a “Pearl Harbor” by the US Media and get the slowly anti-US nations to fight against the Japs (err Russians).
Our feckless leadership is operating on that theory “Keep throwing rocks at that old dog on the porch, he’s not bit us YET”.
Putin needs only to wait and let our “Leadership” destroy the USA and any ally’s stupid enough to go down with the USS Titanic.
As Sun Tzu said, “An evil leadership will burn down its own nation to rule over the ashes”.
Protect your family and trusted friends.
When you have idiots, liars and thrives in charge, logic need not apply!
The important issue is what is going on! What is happening is TSIHTF.
Tempus fugit, get ready, it is only going to get worse and it can get real bad, real quick!