A strange video is making waves in alternative media circles after it revealed that at least one United Nations Multinational Force Observer is currently operating on U.S. soil.
The fifteen second video clip shows a UN employee inside his vehicle after getting gas in northeastern Pennsylvania. The concerned citizen who filmed the exchange attempts to ask the man what type of work would require him to be in the country, to no avail.
So what is exactly is a UN Multinational Force Observer and why would they be operating inside the U.S.?
Originally commissioned to supervise the implementation of the security provisions of the Egyptian-Israeli Treaty of Peace, the observers have been activated across the world to essentially make sure terms of a ceasefire or treaty are followed.
What makes this sighting so interesting besides the fact that it was within the United States is the fact that the man was filmed with his UN indication clearly in the open as if he was there in an official capacity.
h/t Matt Bracken
They are most likely here to “observe” the safe transition of the next flock of ISIS refugees being brought in by our dictator in chief.
One of my cousins was in the Marines in at the turn of the century. He said the where sitting around talking about how the government was more and more oppressing The People. One of them asked how much more The People would take before they stood up. Their CO spoke up and said that is what they want to happen. Then they will stand down the military and bring in the UN.
This was before 911 and all the big brother acts that Bush signed. They have been waiting a long time for the right moment.
MNF-Observers are brought in for only two reasons:
1. To supervise a cease fire or armistice negotiated under auspices of the UN Security Council
2. To document cause for the UN to send in an MNF Peacekeeping force, where the existing government either a) fails to maintain the peace, or b) the existing government engages in violent repression of the population at large, or some portion thereof, with intent to commit genocide and/or to enslave (by denial of basic human rights) said population, or portion thereof.
Continued from above --
So, yes, under part 2, the UN could “resolve” to send in an armed “peacekeeping force”, if the US Government failed to protect “refugees” from an angry American population. Its a perfect Castle-move upon which to transfer some portion of governmental authority from Fed.Gov to UN administration… from whence it would never be returned.
Of course, the commUNists will never resolve to send in an MNF to protect natural-born Americans who just want to be left alone from their overbearing and tyrannical government…
The UN is the main club for communists, and every other ilk of America-haters everywhere. The irony being, that the UN wouldn’t even exist, were it nor for American blood, sweat, and treasure being laid down in vast quantities to save the hides of the fabian socialists (and those of every other defective ideology) all across Europe durring WWII.
Its coming time that they will need our assistance, once again… question is, will we be in a position to answer that call?
At the end of the video you can see a handicap tag like you would hang from the mirror. He might just be some wannabe. Why would an observer be handicap?
“Why would an observer be handicap?”
Unfortunately a lot of governments temporarily assign handicap parking ID to visiting dignitaries and/or officials in order to facilitate either easier parking or to remove some restrictions due to a crowded venue. Happens in Colorado all the time even though the statute covering the use of handicap permits doesn’t mention the “accommodation.”