This will happen and it will impact the United States. What passes for free speech in this country as a right protected by the 1st Amendment is little more than a government cover to gather information against the people. The illegal spying on the people exposed by Edward Snowden is still operational.
You cannot dictate “free speech” any more than a government can dictate which bathroom our children use. For today. What the government can dictate are decrees under tyranny clocked using terminology from George Orwell’s 1984. The “Ministry of Truth” dictates morality – newspeak for depravity. Debate is for haters: there is only one truth and that is how the Obama administration will transform our culture.
You have to decide if you are willing to accept their lies and deny your faith.
David DeGerolamo
UN Plots War on Free Speech to Stop “Extremism” Online
The United Nations Security Council wants a global “framework” for censoring the Internet, as well as for using government propaganda to “counter” what its apparatchiks call “online propaganda,” “hateful ideologies,” and “digital terrorism.” To that end, the UN Security Council this week ordered the UN “Counter-Terrorism Committee” — yes, that is a real bureaucracy — to draw up a plan by next year.From the Obama administration to the brutal Communist Chinese regime, everybody agreed that it was time for a UN-led crackdown on freedom of speech and thought online — all under the guise of fighting the transparently bogus terror war.
The UN, ridiculed by American critics as the “dictators club,” will reportedly be partnering with some of the world’s largest Internet and technology companies in the plot. Among the firms involved in the scheme is Microsoft, which, in a speech before the Security Council on May 11, called for “public-private partnerships” between Big Business and Big Government to battle online propaganda. As this magazine has documented, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and other top tech giants have all publicly embraced the UN and its agenda for humanity. Many of the more than 70 speakers also said it was past time to censor the Internet, with help from the “private sector.”
h/t Brandon Smith