Uncovered Trump Interview From Over 25 Years Ago Will Shock A Lot of People


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Average Joe
Average Joe
8 years ago

I know some might take a sideways look at this comment but, it seems to me that Trump is the nearest to someone who would rather not run for national office as anyone in my lifetime.

8 years ago
Reply to  Average Joe

Yup, I agree. It seems they are doing to him, what they did to Ross Perot. I was leaning away from him, but this and the establishment attacks against him, has me behind Trump now.

8 years ago

anyone who thinks there is a solution at the ballot box has not put much thought into it .if there was a solution we wouldve achived it by now with voting .it is interesting that the NWO billionaires are coming out of the wood work to try get power at this particular time in history .makes me wonder what they know that the sheeple dont know .the fix is in for sure and we will not come out of this looking like the same country .not that weve been a republic for a while not even a democracy something between democratic socialist and something else

8 years ago

Dare I say it, but compared to the rest of the (viable) field of candidates, Trump at least appears to have maintained some sense of candid integrity -- at least in that what he says has been consistent over a long period of time. Certainly, comparing this interview with what he says today gives us some sense of continuity from him -- at least in his public appearance, if not in his true thoughts and opinions.

Now, please don’t misconstrue my meaning -- I have elsewhere stated that I believe Trump to be a fascist, and my view of him has not changed. But his version of fascism places America (and western Europe) at the top of the pecking order, whereas the Ayers/0bama bunch intends to *punish* both America and Europe for their “colonialist history” of “opressing brown people” by putting all Western nations at the bottom of the pecking order.

[I am compelled to put such propositions in quotes, because as ridiculous as they are on their face, there are a great many people who believe such tripe, and desire a revolution for no other reason than to accomplish said punishment.]

The useful idiots of #BLM / CodePINK / 0ccupy / etc. haven’t the slightest clue what might come, after the complete destruction of all Western Society (for which they all salivate in a most Pavlovian manner), and yet they’re fully onboard for the vengeful destruction. And thus do they limit themselves to the role of “useful idiots” and “brown shirts” -- most illustrative of their wilfull ignorance is the fact that they remain blissfully unaware of the fate which must come to them, once their ‘usefulness’ has passed.

Thus is the nature of the current socio-political conflict: one clutch of fascists who intends to keep our country “on top” of the pecking order, vs. another bunch of fascists who intend to plunge us straight to the bottom of said international pecking order.

Neither “side” has any interest in restoring our Republic and the Rule of Law which must accompany it; nor in altering the maniacal economic behavior of our governments at the state and federal level. And thus the People remain unrepresented, their will ignored, and their wellbeing trampled under foot by an oligarchy which contemplates itself as being “unimpeachable”.

What they fail to realise is that, when a society of men is denied every peaceful means by which to obtain a redress of grievances; then the use of violent means becomes both Just and necessary…