Understanding The Parasitic Cooperation Between Globalists And Leftists

Brandon Smith

Globalists are seeking to subjugate the world, and to do that they need to undermine the basic tenets of human interaction and understanding. They have allied with the political left in order to blitz the populace with chaos, keeping people distracted and off balance while the powers-that-be wrap their tentacles around every last vestige of private liberty.

Our greatest hope is for the citizenry to adopt a hostile posture and refuse to compromise another inch. We have to start calling the political left out for what they really are – The striking hand of the globalist cabal. There can be no give-and-take when it comes to our core principles. No more tolerance of deconstruction, no more slack given to saboteurs. If a subversive group is trying to tear down the moral fabric that makes the west functional and free, if they desire to eradicate the heritage that our founders fought to establish, then we must do as the founders did and remove the threat.


h/t WRSA

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Lee Vail AKA Kakev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kakev Efrayim
1 year ago

Today’s so called “patriots” lack the intestinal fortitude to “remove the threat”. Compromise has never worked with the loony left.