UnIntelligent Design or Evolution … the results are the same !

Yellow Bellied Bottom Feeder

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11 years ago


If the GOP sucks up whatever crumbs the Democrats leave, what is left for the people?

Francis W. Porretto
11 years ago

There is no longer a Constitutional fence around the actions of the federal government. There is no longer “a system of checks and balances.” There is no longer an “opposition party.” And there is no longer the slenderest reason to hope that the normal mechanisms of American politics — elections; legislative operations; judicial review — will, or can, alter the course the Regime is following.

We are being ruled by unabashed criminals, their intent and their deeds naked to the sunlight.

william Sterrett
william Sterrett
11 years ago

Thanks GOP, can you say welcome Hillary Clinton 2016. Socialist candidates like McCain and Romney won’t cut it anymore. NO MORE voting for the lesser of TWO evils. Both parties are evil, and have no consideration for the people, constitution or republic. Did I say welcome Hillary 2016.